Unbelievable ... in one breath you say that there should be clear rules regarding what's allowed and not allowed, and that dropping loot is a bit questionable, but then in the next breath, you excuse the behavior with saying that it's a new feature and you guess they're playing around with it. Playing around with things like this where some of these actions can absolutely affect the economy is not a good thing, nor a wise decision. Take the Hussk event for one (as Peter mentioned) where it takes a very long time to even collect the components (items) needed to spawn the Hussk, not to mention the cost. There are those right now sitting with blood samples needed as one of the items, which is very rare, and to have Kim spawn the Hussk just like that and conduct the activities as he did is a real slap in the face to people who worked very hard toward participating in an actual player-spawned Hussk event (as mentioned by a player in a post in the thread Peter gave a link to). It's obvious to me that you won't get it, so continue to enjoy and accept what you do get.
I have never called any of you liars? Find that post please? I have just words like bullshit or you are wrong, but that's because I think you are just too biased and too "anti-MA" and that is coloring everything you are posting in this forum. What I'm turning against is the reflex you have to blame everything on MA. If MA only cared for Calypso, how come Arkadia have succeeded so much better than Cyrene in creating a playerbase and economy?
What it's so hard too understand about it? Do you not understand the planet partners want too test the system and get understanding how they can use it? As always you exaggerating the effect because of your mind it color about how you think about MA and Calypso. This loot is just a pebble in the sand compared to the overall economy, but as I also say, it's should not be a regular long term use to spawning rare mobs, then it could be a issue. But in the short run, just for testing, it's okey for me.
The important thing to keep in mind is that apparently you do not see any problems with MA and PPs using a production version of the real cash economy for testing things. Do you think banks operate the same way? "Hey, let's test a few things with our real customers. If we mess up, our EULA will say we cannot be held liable, anyway". Any actual bank showing such behavior would be shut down in seconds, and for good reasons. Yet, when MA does the same thing, you apparently seem to think it's a good idea. Every action by a PP or MA in EU has real monetary consequences for people, but a lot of those who label others as whiners seem to overlook that fact. There's some who keep telling tamers just to get over it, and stop whining about the system that many of them have literally thousands of dollars locked into. Every single time anything is tested in production, it will make the whole RCE model and MA controlling it more and more questionable. Use a fucking test environment for testing; that's what they're for.
You don't think companies including banks tries new stuff of real costumers all the time? Of course they do, they try new products on a limited scale to find out how it works and if they should launched on a broader scale. Here is a news for you, test environment don't have real players and the main purpose for the test is probably to show the new feature for the players. And also, it's was Kim a planet partner, not actually MA that did it.
Alrighty, this has now been discussed up and down. Some people critically reviewing MindArk's/Planet Calypsp AB's policies and actions, and mainly Airboy critically reviewing the critical reviews. I think it's great we can do that here on EP and it's very much appreciated, especially that Airboy is engaging in the discussion from a difficult position. And I guess we all are right. MindArk has build a stronghold of favoritism which must be besieged until it falls (sorry, too much Elder Scrolls the last few days ). But of course not every action and policy of MA/PC AB is wrong by default. Let's not be biased towards any direction when observing, researching and discussing any specific incident. After all we want the same: an innovative, reasonably priced state-of-the-art game, enjoyed by enough people to enable professionally performing developers to make and keep it like that. P.S.: One of the many things professional developers don't allow but MA/PC AB don't care about is individual employees showing off with the 'cool stuff' they can do.
Ooohh, we just started to try to introduce some kind of..."a new system"...that will never be finished...and be abandoned soon...it was just made for (our) fun...anyway, who cares ? It will be the past soon. And forgotten. Fick dich MindArk ! HART !