A special event zone with scheduled debates, where free speech reigns (including gloves off when it comes to the EULA). People can debate any issue, and spectators can press 'voting' buttons to see what the sway of opinion is - perhaps displayed on a big results screen.
The question is do you make said area PVP lol. Sometimes there are no other ways of solving arguments!!!
hmmm..... trash talking, and the addition of higher political debates... this could be fun... as well as funny... depending on the topic's
Great idea for introducing a virtual eternal sea; or the world of politics, to EU, then maybe we could actually use those voting terminals that you get in say argus or atlantis. On my second day in EU I went upto one of these and tried to press something on it to see if it worked.:-\"
You and just about everyone else... "Wow, there is functioning democracy in this VL! Oh nothing happened"
I was more disappointed when I found the stock market in Hadeshiem didn't do anything. I wanted to get in to buying virtual shares :-)