NEVERDIE News: December 7th Content Release

Discussion in 'ROCKtropia' started by ChelaBias, Dec 7, 2011.

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    December 7th Content Release
    Bye Bye Bugs!
    The December 7th content release brings in new features and alot of fixes to old features. Please read the following.

    [h=3]NEW STUFF[/h]
    • Outposts added to City of Dreams.
      - These outposts feature full access to storage, repair, trade and auction systems.
      - They are located in and around popular mob spawns to increase the speed in which you can hunt your favorite mobs. Take some time to fly or drive around COD to find them all. Aprox (15 new outposts have been added)
    • National Guard Helicopter Pilots deployed to City of Dreams and the Arctic.
      - The National Guard have been deployed to the City of Dreams and the Arctic in an effort to add extra security against the wild creatures that have been attacking locals. You can find helicopter pilots that will take you anywhere you need to go free of charge. Take some time to explore COD to find all the new teleporter locations (aprox 5 locations added)
    • Shared Mobs added to City of Dreams
      - Exarosaurs (All Maturities) POS:(134096 89102)
      - Rippersnapper (All Maturities) POS: (135553 89013)*
      - Mermoth (All Maturities) POS: (133134 88800)
      - Osseocollum (All Maturities) POS: (132962 88271)
      - Malcruentor (All Maturities) POS: (132550 87695)
      - Atrox (All Maturities) POS: (134631 82544)
      - Argonaut (All Maturities) POS: (139057 85162)
      - Itumatrox (All Maturities) POS: (139098 86842)
      - Dakiba (All Maturities) POS: (137492 88738)
    • Mobs added to City of Dreams
      - Cheetahs escaped from the zoo! POS: (137505 82916)
      - Shark Migration POS: (138422 89402) & (132284 89458)
    • National Guard disburses rioters from London Backlot
      - In an effort to make the streets safe for shoppers, the national guard have executed operation Winklepicker and have successfully removed all rioters from the London backlot. Shopping around the Funky Junction is now safe once again!
    • Added Christmas gifts.
      -Expect your favorite jolly red man to deliver something sweet to you close to Christmas. (Only those who made the naughty list will get something. LOL)
    • Rent has been abolished
      - The powers that be have decided that rent prices were too high! As a result, ROCKtropia estates are now free of any rental costs. This rent removal only applies to bars and shops at the moment because they are the only estates that are fully functional. When the apartments get fixed (Next VU), they will share in the same reduction.
    • Item block removed from the Arctic
      - In an effort to help combat the ongoing Thing infection, the National Guard has been instructed to permit locals to import weapons, armors, vehicles and other items from any other planet to utilize in the Arctic.

    [h=3]FIXED ISSUES[/h]
    • General Blueprint fixes
      - Could not Execute error resolved
      - Incorrect ingredients fixed
      - Creative Juice Blueprint has been reworked
    • General Quest Fixes
      - Tons of fixes and improvements have been done to ROCKtropia quests and missions. If you still have any outstanding issues please let us know but the vast majority of quests have been fixed or enhanced.
    • Shops and Bars have re-opened for business!
      - All shops and bars in London have been fixed and are ready for business again. Take some time to visit the new and improved shops.
      - Item points in bars and shops have been increased
    • London Backlot Optimization
      - The overall performance and frame rates in and around London have been improved considerably.
    [h=3]KNOWN ISSUES[/h]
    • Deer-A-Pooloza!
      - It seems like the deer population have been listening to alot of Barry White music lately and as a result, the deer population has exploded in parts of city of dreams. Do your part and help control the deer population.
    • Space landing port location incorrect.
      -When arriving from space, you will land in and around Evil Cathedral. By the next VU, you should land around Club NEVERDIE in City of Dreams.
    • Memory leak around New Harlem.
      - Investigations continue and we hope to have this resolved very soon
    • Ballister Apartments still not functioning
    • Firewall Armor BP GENDER bug
      - Currently the Mk-III arm guards can only make female versions of the armor. (Fixed in next VU)
    • Oil and Beer Spawners dried up.
      -This is just a minor bugged should be fixed soon.
    • Ballister apartment fix and upgrades
    • New mission and upgrades to existing missions
    • Item additions
    • Fix of the memory leak around New Harlem.
    • Mob balancing and placement planet wide.
    This is just a small taste of what to expect in the Next VU. The really cool stuff we have left out of this list cause surprises are always fun!
    • Like Like x 2
  2. December 7th Content Release
    Bye Bye Bugs!
    The December 7th content release brings in new features and alot of fixes to old features. Please read the following.


    • Outposts added to City of Dreams.
      - These outposts feature full access to storage, repair, trade and auction systems.
      - They are located in and around popular mob spawns to increase the speed in which you can hunt your favorite mobs. Take some time to fly or drive around COD to find them all. Aprox (15 new outposts have been added)
    • National Guard Helicopter Pilots deployed to City of Dreams and the Arctic.
      - The National Guard have been deployed to the City of Dreams and the Arctic in an effort to add extra security against the wild creatures that have been attacking locals. You can find helicopter pilots that will take you anywhere you need to go free of charge. Take some time to explore COD to find all the new teleporter locations (aprox 5 locations added)
    • Shared Mobs added to City of Dreams
      - Exarosaurs (All Maturities) POS:(134096 89102)
      - Rippersnapper (All Maturities) POS: (135553 89013)*
      - Mermoth (All Maturities) POS: (133134 88800)
      - Osseocollum (All Maturities) POS: (132962 88271)
      - Malcruentor (All Maturities) POS: (132550 87695)
      - Atrox (All Maturities) POS: (134631 82544)
      - Argonaut (All Maturities) POS: (139057 85162)
      - Itumatrox (All Maturities) POS: (139098 86842)
      - Dakiba (All Maturities) POS: (137492 88738)
    • Mobs added to City of Dreams
      - Cheetahs escaped from the zoo! POS: (137505 82916)
      - Shark Migration POS: (138422 89402) & (132284 89458)
    • National Guard disburses rioters from London Backlot
      - In an effort to make the streets safe for shoppers, the national guard have executed operation Winklepicker and have successfully removed all rioters from the London backlot. Shopping around the Funky Junction is now safe once again!
    • Added Christmas gifts.
      -Expect your favorite jolly red man to deliver something sweet to you close to Christmas. (Only those who made the naughty list will get something. LOL)
    • Rent has been abolished
      - The powers that be have decided that rent prices were too high! As a result, ROCKtropia estates are now free of any rental costs. This rent removal only applies to bars and shops at the moment because they are the only estates that are fully functional. When the apartments get fixed (Next VU), they will share in the same reduction.
    • Item block removed from the Arctic
      - In an effort to help combat the ongoing Thing infection, the National Guard has been instructed to permit locals to import weapons, armors, vehicles and other items from any other planet to utilize in the Arctic.


    • General Blueprint fixes
      - Could not Execute error resolved
      - Incorrect ingredients fixed
      - Creative Juice Blueprint has been reworked
    • General Quest Fixes
      - Tons of fixes and improvements have been done to ROCKtropia quests and missions. If you still have any outstanding issues please let us know but the vast majority of quests have been fixed or enhanced.
    • Shops and Bars have re-opened for business!
      - All shops and bars in London have been fixed and are ready for business again. Take some time to visit the new and improved shops.
      - Item points in bars and shops have been increased
    • London Backlot Optimization
      - The overall performance and frame rates in and around London have been improved considerably.

    • Deer-A-Pooloza!
      - It seems like the deer population have been listening to alot of Barry White music lately and as a result, the deer population has exploded in parts of city of dreams. Do your part and help control the deer population.
    • Space landing port location incorrect.
      -When arriving from space, you will land in and around Evil Cathedral. By the next VU, you should land around Club NEVERDIE in City of Dreams.
    • Memory leak around New Harlem.
      - Investigations continue and we hope to have this resolved very soon
    • Ballister Apartments still not functioning
    • Firewall Armor BP GENDER bug
      - Currently the Mk-III arm guards can only make female versions of the armor. (Fixed in next VU)
    • Oil and Beer Spawners dried up.
      -This is just a minor bugged should be fixed soon.

    • Ballister apartment fix and upgrades
    • New mission and upgrades to existing missions
    • Item additions
    • Fix of the memory leak around New Harlem.
    • Mob balancing and placement planet wide.
    This is just a small taste of what to expect in the Next VU. The really cool stuff we have left out of this list cause surprises are always fun!

    Continue reading...
  3. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Gz NDS, you are heading the right direction now!
  4. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    That is a nice list indeed, now all they have to do is continue on this wave and they should be OK pretty soon !

    Still don't like the shared creatures though
  5. Bizarrick

    Bizarrick Otherwise Engaged

    Abolished rent!? Groundbreaking!
  6. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    *LOL* I love the Barry White comment with the deer :thumbup:
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