Not sure if this is just for this book. The Elysian Technology book is displaying BP's with 'remaining attempts' rather than 'quality rating'. eg in pic. below, Campbell's Basic Framework BP has quality rating of 8.6 but the listing in the book says 'remaining attempts:8'.
Seems like the book thinks it's holding (L) BP's, showing the TT value - see quality rating - as remaining attempts
Man, SylverDragon, I checked that out, and I just about had a heart attack because I thought our Unlimited BP were coming up Limited. We plan to modify the confusing display, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the blueprint functionality, so my heartrate and breathing are slowly returning to normal now. :)
Yeah, it's just a display error, I'm not having any problems with the BPs. I can understand your reaction, much the same as when I noticed the book said my Helen Venture's Walking Stick BP had 'remaing attempts:1'
This is not a Next Island specific issue. It is the same problem with ROCKtropia books that accept both limited and unlimited blueprints.