Does MA run that new game?

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by New York Rose, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. Just downloaded a new game I'm starting its game like EU..Has anyone tried that one?.I'm gonna check that out too..But love EU also.:clap:
  2. I am so glad I only did the 14 day free trial and asked about it..holy Smokes!..Thanks everyone!:clap:
  3. Nevermind..answered my own question.Holy Moly its Avi's are way more realistic than EU's..The players in Eu last night who were playing said they kept their EU usernames (as did I).So we can help navigate that new game.No different Company runs it ,not MA.But the realistic avatars are amazing...really looks like Real Life..Interesting! They spent alot of money on the graphics and the game itself.
  4. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    Aka Eve Online? I've heard about that a bit and seen a few reviews, but not played it yet...
  5. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    Are you in a 3D environment in Eve, or is it a bit like playing a virtual version of a 2D roleplaying board game.
  6. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    I played EVE years back. It annoyed me that I didnt have an avatar I could run around with like we have in EU :)

    Also, it annoyed me a LOT that you die and loose everything unless you remember to clone yourself.

    Also, I HATED the time it took to warp between distances ...

    Other than that ... It's a pretty famous game .. the geek of games actually, and difficult to understand. I've heard that once you do understand it to it's fully, it's THE game.

    Good luck :)
  7. No..Your in 3D..Lykke thanks for input on that also, I hope after the years since you played they have upgraded their game since then.It is alot in there.I am only at part of first missions and they are not easy!!..LOL..I like EU missions alot better!
  8. Did you find it difficult at first?
  9. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    If it's 3D I might try it! If I can find enough free cash after my monthly budget for EU ;)
  10. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    its not a bad game, tryed it too, got quite big, and then got bored and whent back to my fav not a casino game entropia universe. :D
  11. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    yeah eve has a near rediculous learning curve, near imposible to learn without joining a player run corporate.
    but once u learned about all, it gets boring fast and feels like just another grind game (the challenge is gone)
  12. EVE totaly sucks , i have played it for years.
    the compagny behind EVE cccp is allways promising that they are develloping avatars that can really walk around.
    that was like 6 years ago ......
    still not possible , the game design is really easy , put a picture in the background as being universe , planets ? are useless can't land on them it's not even possible to come close.
    the only thing cccp has to do is design some ship models .... but the most u see ... is only a dot with a name on it.

    now lets talk about scam's the game is made so people can scam each other.
    EVE is build on that.
    cccp even brings out super scam's as a add for EVE like :
    EVE Online player steals $45,000 worth of ISK in massive investment scam

    by Brendan Drain on Sep 11th 2010 4:00PM
    Sci-fi, EVE Online, Culture, Economy, Lore, Professions

    It seems like every few months we hear about another major theft or scam in EVE Online. In most MMOs, acts of theft could earn the perpetrator a permanent game ban. In EVE Online, however, it's an accepted part of the game that people are strongly encouraged to protect themselves from. Even the game's developers have acknowledged that corporate infiltration, scamming and theft are just another part of the harsh criminal underworld of New Eden. With its latest official game trailer, CCP Games told an impressive tale of corporate theft and revenge, showcasing some of the emergent gameplay that typifies EVE.

    Last week, the latest big scam to come out of the criminal underworld of New Eden came to completion. The popular investment scheme Titans4U turned bad, with the creator "Bad Bobby" stealing all of the company's assets. The theft was the ultimate conclusion of a plan that was set in motion years ago. Bobby began his investment career by running several smaller schemes to build up a positive public image. Over the years, he ran increasingly larger and more popular schemes and always returned on investments. Just over a year ago, his reputation-building efforts paid off as his good name secured the successful launch of the massive Titans4U investment fund.

    Skip past the cut for the full story of how this apparently secure investment scheme turned into one of EVE's biggest scams to date.
    The original business plan for Titans4U involved the purchase of several original titan blueprints worth over 60 billion ISK each. The blueprints were then locked down in a corporate hanger in a secret alt corporation. A starbase in the same system was used to make limited-run blueprint copies for sale and a cut of the proceeds was distributed to investors as a regular dividend. From an investor's point of view, the whole thing appeared to be secured by the presence of five trustees. These were active members of EVE's investment market who volunteered to help secure the fund against theft or the owner going missing.

    Closing the net

    As a vote would be required to unlock the blueprints before they could be taken, shares in the secret alt corporation were split among five trustees. If Bobby were to ever attempt to unlock and steal the blueprints, those trustees could have simply declined the vote, keeping the corporation secure. In the event of his disappearance, directors in the corp could also collectively initiate their own votes to recover the assets.

    All of this security hinged on the fact that Bobby would not have access to over 50% of the company's shares and so couldn't vote to unlock the blueprints on his own. For over a year, this system worked amicably. In the background, however, Bobby was slowly scheming to get his hands on more shares.

    To complete the scam, Bobby initiated a vote to create more shares under the guise of adding more trustees. Despite recommendations by regular market guru Proton Power that trustees decline the move, the vote passed and more shares were created. With access to over 50% of the shares, Bobby was able to kick all other directors from the corp and steal the entire company's assets. Bobby claims the total value he has "cashed in" his reputation for is in excess of 850 billion ISK. To put that into perspective, 850 billion is enough ISK to buy about 2575 PLEX. That would keep an account active for over 214 years, and could be worth around $45,000 US dollars.

    great game this is aint it.

    but if u still like that game and want to get far fast and easy ,,, u can and may allways buy my account.

    in even i own loads.
    most expansive and biggest battleship's most faction type , freighter ship , the fittings best of the best faction type's and a few billion isk on the account aswell.
    one of the avatars ,, as u can have 3 a account . has a own soc/faction and even a empire group , forgot the englisch word for it though.
    the avatar i mainly used has all skill books allready in storage aswell , also the expansive one's

    the account is set not active atm.
    but can set back on active when payment is done to cccp (the monthly fee)

    so if u wish to buy it , then give me a offer and who know's u will be uber there at once.
  13. the word i forgot ... was corporation and a step more a super corporation costing to start for that is aswell 1 billion isk

    greats sidney
  14. LOL!..this experience reminds me of my recently favorite song by Genesis....Carpet Crawlers..listen to words close!..:)
  15. Seems a little harder with the missions and driving the ships..but I was told its hard at first.
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