Does the Transformer shirts still sell?

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Strash, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. I bought abunch before when they were 195ped tt and then i saw that they were 40ped tt and was like sweet lower tt i am going to TT the 195ped tt and go buy the 40ped tt and when i got the NI i couldn't find the seller for the shirts :(

    made me very sad :(
    are they still selling there and can please tell me where!?
    if not :( i am sad lol
  2. umm..... why would you pay sooo much for a paperweight? it has no use besides looks, and is well overpriced as a promo item.... most of us <I know many> just laugh at the whole thing
  3. Well what i am asking is if anyone knows if they still sell there
  4. the npc is missing till tomorrow hopefully they back then
  5. would be sweet i do miss those tshirts lol
  6. the shopkeeper is there. there are even shirts available.

  7. where did the shopkeeper get to?
  8. i just arrived on ni, am there for the first time.

    i found it after some hours while i was searching for sandy who should have a bp for the transformer helmet. she is nowhere to find but i found the shopkeeper with the t-shirts. the city is quite some not filled with structure somehow =)

    i have to look again where it is and post the coordinates later.

  9. i found it again.

    Your current position is: Next Island (136524, 84393, 235)

    5 male and 5 female shirts are available atm.

    51,27 ped they cost each.

    i asked the developer now if the helmet still come from boar and why the sandy is nowhere to find. also the producer screw his job now.

    what is going on over there?
  10. ohh thats a private shop
  11. ah yes i see the owner is island manager. but they filled the shirts stock up. way more inside now.

    other shop i cannot find. also no sandy and no helmet bp .

    maybe later? or someone has better information?

    it be nice to know if the helmets still drop then.

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