Dont come back noob...

Discussion in 'Entropia Media' started by McCormick, Jan 3, 2015.

    • Like Like x 9
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  2. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    ROFL! Great video from McCormick Studios as usual.
  3. nice one!
  4. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Man! There was another video like this long time ago. It was an advertising video for an enterprise some folks were running, kinda lending uber gear. Goddam, neither I can remember names nor can I find it in my archieves. That was a very professional one! A man in Shadow armor sat (yes, there was a time when we could sit on the ground!) at the top of a high rock, helmet off and watched the desert valley below of him. Cut. A noob in OJ popped up - hopping around and throwing probes. The assassine at the rock equiped his gun and watched the hopping OJ guy for a while through the scope. Than one short and dry "pop". But he missed the other guy. And the OJ guy vanished immediately, hiding behind some rocks. Soon one could hear the sound of teleporting. Cut. The assassine again at his rock. The sound of teleporting again. The assassine turned his head just to face the former noob in heavy gear with an incredible big gun equipped right targetting the head of the assassine. BANG!

    LOL! I loved this one. Probably someone can remember it and show it to us?
  5. Wasnt it one Bambuco clip ? At old oil rig mountain ?
  6. I remember that one. Wasn't it an advertisement for H&R Circle?
  7. H&R Circle Bambuco googling reveals

    No longer available
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  9. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Brilliant! That is pretty much my experience at the rig every time for the last 10 years. This is why I have rarely gone there. I still to this day have not successfully picked up oil at the original rig. Only from RT HTT and the ikle rig in western eudoria
  10. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz One of those Americans

    Yep, my experience also.. every time I walk up I'm popped off quick. Use to like hunting around there also but would avoid going to the rig since it wasn't worth the Drama. Never liked PVP much anyway.
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