Didn't really understand what was in Guardians yet. (not watched video though) edit: OK I get it... massively long content list but big ticket things seem to be passengers and ship launched fighters?
Launch-able fighter add on for bigger ships, pilots you can hire, new passenger liner class ships, neutron star wakes give a boost to fsd drive range, passenger run missions, new station types and as usual lots more they have kept secret. I watched a live stream with David Braben and he spoke about lots of hidden stuff from the last big update still hasn't been found, and lots more added with the guardians update. My guess is thargoids are here, but just a hunch :). Braben did talk about future aims to allow player build stations etc, but didn't go into much detail and was more a passing comment. The thing i really like about Braben and his dev team is that they tend to understate what they are working on/release (something that a dev we all know well could learn from). I loved the old 1980's elite so for me this is my dream come true, the vastness of the galaxy and exploring outer reaches in the hope to find something new. Plus ofc it is beautifully done. :)
Passenger missions sound like they might be fun. I saw some video where they had a load of craft size comparisons that I hadn't seen before maybe some of those are ships that can be flown now...
I don't get how you guy it. There is season 1 and 2. Is this season 3? are they all separate or free after you buy the first season. Can I start on the first season and work my way up or are we all at season 3? their website needs some explaining
Basically horizon update is planetary landings, missions that are planet based. The current updates are still on horizons dlc but space based stuff is part of elite dangerous (non planet). There was a roadmap for horizon updates, i'll try and dig it out tomorrow time permitting.
Update is 2.2 for horizons, 1.7 for dangerous, found the update lists and here is link :). https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/300177-Elite-Dangerous-The-Guardians-2-2-update Holy update list !! Guess can see now why i couldn't remember all of it :D
Hmm ... no 3rd person view on my character it seems? Well, I'm not interested in such games. Although it's the old beloved Elite! But we live in different times meanwhile compared to 1985. Have fun!
Yeh is is a decision by the developers to go for a particular kind of immersion. So yes it is all 1st person. There is a so called "debug cam" that you can use to look at your craft but it has been deliberately designed to cease control interaction when enabled. There is no character design in Elite anyhow, you are simply male or female avatar in a flight suit (look down to see)