Was browsing around the web, like I do often, looking for everything that has anything to do with Entropia and came across this picture: It looks to me like a ipad with a Entropia login screen. Nothing much was said about the picture, but could this be some kind of EU ipad/android app?? Maybe an 'offline' chat / auction app?
Great find! The iPad owner wouldn't be looking at the login screen if you couldn't play EU on it remotely, so this is really interesting. Looked up pocketcloud due to Nobatti's suggestion, and that must be what's allowing it.
Even more reason to buy an iPad then. Would be neat if you could control your avatar with the gyro :)
Good point, because there's no mouse or mouse-pad... It's also 'proof' that you don't need very expensive 1GB+ gfx-cards to play EU, which you couldn't fit in an iPad I also started thinking that this was an April Fools scam involving a printout of the login screen that was glued to it, but the post was made yesterday which was the 31st, so that can't be it...
No, it's real, I could do it. It's just like a remote desktop thing. Pocket cloud has a virtual mouse and the pad only needs to display the image from the remote machine. All the processing is happening on the remote machine
Ah, OK - so pocketcloud is just enabling the iPad to act as a remote control. Smart! You would have to leave the remote PC on all the time though...