Entropia partner "Conflicts of Interest" case study and summary from PCF thread on ND

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Lavawalker, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Entropia partner "Conflicts of Interest" case study and summary from PCF thread o

    Popcorn, anyone?
  2. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    Entropia partner "Conflicts of Interest" case study and summary from PCF thread o

    Second post updated,

    I am now waiting for a response email directly from MindArk on the questions which I have resubmitted to investor relations.
  3. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Entropia partner "Conflicts of Interest" case study and summary from PCF thread o

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] ... there ya go! :bigsmile:
  4. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    Entropia partner "Conflicts of Interest" case study and summary from PCF thread o

    No word yet from Inestor Relations @ MA,
    I will update the thread once it comes through.
  5. Entropia partner "Conflicts of Interest" case study and summary from PCF thread o

    Will take awhile . I expect an answer maybe mid jan. Remember that Planet Partners are Partners and not players so not bound by EULA like we do. So I figure MA needs to talk with ND Studios and then come to an agreement. I doubt MA will tell ND to stop doing things but it should raise some good valid points as further partners need to be told some rules also. And i never got teh fact why ND studios dont ahve offiical avatars liek FPC does. Curious how Arkadia Official avatars will look like
  6. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    Entropia partner "Conflicts of Interest" case study and summary from PCF thread o

    Hi All,

    As your probably aware the thread on PCF was closed by john due to people bringing in personal disputes into the thread.
    I have not had a reply back from David Simmonds as of yet or from Investor relations.
    I expect something to come through early in the new year.

    I will keep the thread updated as replies come through, but please be patient.
    I know both community and partners are both looking for answers to these questions.
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