Updated my Entropia Universe Start Page today. It's basically everything one click away. All the RSS feeds in one locations. great links for people especially new people. http://home.cogeco.ca/~rexdameon/
Sorry for odd reply to this thread, but unless I'm not getting something here, why have you called the thread 'Entropia Star Page Update ....'?
ok added a link but the most appropriate place is at the bottom. I was thinking though do you have an RSS feed for new articles i could add that to the news feeder thingy and that way new articles would get listed at the top of that. Personally i'd like that too then i'd know when to look at the new articles. Let me know.
Thx for adding the link, I'll return the favour by adding your link to my community sites page. I don't have an RSS feeder atm as the hosting service doesn't support it, but you could always visit the site now and then and just cut'n'paste anything of interest. It's the old fashioned way of doing it, but... ;)