Entropia Tour Agency Next Island Tour Dates

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Stave Petty, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. Hey guys,

    On the 23rd of January Entropia Tour Agency will be starting our free touring services on Next Island.

    The next island specific website will be launched on the 21'st, but for now, heres the current scheduled tour dates:

    • Sunday 23rd January, 20:00 Depart, Meet Club Neverdie
    • Tuesday 25th January, 20:00 Depart, Meet Crystal Resort
    All times are displayed in EU Time

    Further detail for the tours and more will be made avalible on the 21'st!

    If you would like to help, please turn up, all help is welcome


    Stave Petty
  2. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Will try to turn up to help Stave, if I can log back in by then lol (not been able to log in since yesterday without ctd, support not responded yet)
  3. Bump...........................
  4. Bump...................
  5. First Tour tonight!!!! .....................
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