Entropia Tracker on Android

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by starfinder, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Dont know where to put this - please feel free to move it, if this is the wrong forum.

    Thought it would be fun if I made a small android widget today...

    Version 0.0.2:
    Updated the GUI and added a few more fields.. and changed "stuff".
    It now runs my own protocol instead of getting the data via XML (too much unused data in XML - and since we are paying for 3G data pr MB I made something that hasent got "dead data"...)
    It now updates every 5 min. It will download approx. 200 bytes of data every 5 min.

    Tried to take a picture of it running on my phone.. dunno how good the quiality is.


    If you want this running on your android phone (wont make one for iphone - I dont like their NDA for developers) please PM me your email. Then I will send you the program + instructions on how to install it.
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