The "bot" is very lazy today, so here is the message... That's very nice to apology for the 847,255th time, but if you could stop to apology and instead remove this 16 year old hypocrit message below, this would be great, because your bugs are persisting. (I give you a tip : fix the bugs = no more message...) Still too far away ? lol. Hey guys, if you have someone with a high integrity in your team, fix your bugs, thanx ! :) (so like this players will not have to suffer from totally disgusting leadership actions). Ak.
I just tell the truth, because you know what ? I am animated by a very very very very very very high integrity. Lick MA's ass to get advantages is not my thing.
Makes me wonder if there are any Quality Assurence and Server Administration guys left at the Mindark office. LOL