EntropiaPlanets presents: Forum-game: Conquest - BETA!

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by NotAdmin, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    i was hoping one of our opponents would jump at the chance, maybe they are scared to attack? So i'll make it even easier any opponent who wants my gold just let me know and it's yours
  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Since no one wants it :P

    i decided to send it out anyway.

    Tried to send all of it to Lavawalker about 3-4 times and on all occasions it was taxed, stolen or other mishap. only around 300 went through each time. Strange...

    Tried sending to John BD same thing got this message:
    Thats of the 13k i tried to send. Is it a feature built in the game to stop sending gold to opposing teams?

    When i tried to send all my troops to John BD same thing of the 800+ only around 300 were sent after those are taxed he only gets a few...

    Second time round managed to send them all :P

    So now i have a population of 1 and around 12k gold which i can't send :(

  3. When I gave all mine away ( some to you and some to Bj, did you get it? ) It went fine from my side so...? not sure why you cant :dunno:
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    i got some troops maybe that was u sending then? i dunno about gold i was keeping an eye on my gold.
  5. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    trade is taxed heavely it however is usefull for getting rid of troops or gold making it disapear into nothingness, maybe barbarians get it and run:dunno:
    anyway dont see gold and think i gotten like 150 to 200 troops or so :rofl:

    altogether hows v2 commin along wizz? :naughty:
    now i gotta go and click hmm 50 times on a button dont ask me why
  6. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    We have taken the conquest system offline for now. We are working on restoring it ASAP, but with a twist. The game will be rethemed and reset completely in the process.

    Booyah. Or something.

  7. narfi

    narfi Lost


    Looking forward to the next round ;)

  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    oh nice ...looking forward to it

    it's going to have 3 mutants as teams right ? what else will be new? come on more details please :P
  9. Thorn

    Thorn Proud CND Baby

    Some more "EU theming", but i reckon the bit you're after is the following:

    Settings were changed quite a bit, partially to address player requests, partially to meet the experienced balance problems (shit, i should stop reading MA threads, what i actually wanted to say is: no more easy exponential growth, at least not as we've seen it before).

    No exact values here, it's part of the game to find them out... ;)

    • Attack raid costs have been lowered
    • Gold that can carried away per trooper has been increased
    • Basic gold income has been increased
    • Cycles length has been shortened
    • Max cycles have been reduced
    • Starting & minimal population have been increased
    • Recruitment costs have been raised
    • Spy upkeep has been adjusted (lowered, relative to the income changes)
    • Spy efficiency has been increased
    • "Safety zone" for the meek has been lowered a bit
    I'm sure i forgot something here.... :nana:

    However, the link in the Nation navbar has finally been adjusted and now takes you to your nations private subforum (as it was planned a while ago)

    Let the complaining begin, yeah! :dodge::dodge::dodge:
  10. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    weee gunna be like a new game then :woohoo:is it there yet?


    what about now?....


    uhm ok :nana:
  11. Hey keep the dogs in the bag a little longer, puppie :nana:
  12. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Thanks for being our guinnea pigs so far :) Seeing the new system is about to go live, I'll close this thread, and start a new one. After all, we're no longer in beta now :p

    Please do post suggestions and/or recommendations you might have in the new thread, or better yet, in our EntropiaPlanets bug tracker.

    The system will be re-enabled shortly. Stand by. See you on the flip-side.
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