EntropiaPlanets Tracker: New PM notification and EPD bonus for tracking

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by NotAdmin, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    And another nifty new feature has been added to our tracker client. This time, we are proud to present you with functionality that will notify you when you get a new Private Message on EntropiaPlanets.

    The coolest thing is that no client update will be neccessary for this to work, as the latest version of the tracker (which is the one released last week) already came with this functionality. We now implemented support for it server-side, so this should work straight out of the box :)

    There's a few things to take into account in order to make this work:

    * Go to your User CP, and find the link to "Edit options" (under Settings & Options). There, find the checkbox labelled "Show New Private Message Notification Pop-up", and ensure it is checked. This sets a flag in the database which then enables the client to check for new PMs.

    Optionally, for Windows 7 users, you could ensure the tracker is always shown in the taskbar (where the time is also listed) by clicking on the button looking like 2 ^'s, and selecting customize. In the menu, find the tracker client, and under behaviour, set it to "Show icon and notifications".

    Lastly, log in to Entropia. When the tracker starts sending data, it will at the same time poll to see whether the flag reflects a new PM that came in, and if that is the case, it will show a notification in the taskbar like so:


    We hope you will enjoy this new feature of the tracker client.

    We also setup a mechanism where those who actively track will be awarded EPD (EntropiaPlanets Dollars) for globals tracked. The additional EPD is awarded once per day, and 100 globals get you 1 additional EPD. This might not seem like much, but it sure adds up over time :)
  2. I like the idea with the PM's a lot..

    Now, make it so the PM's work on overlay so ppl in fullscreen dosent have to alt+tab out. :)
  3. We will maintain both, so people won't be forced to run the ingame overlay.
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