At EntropiaPlanets, we strive to offer new functionality on a regular basis. One of our home-grown solutions is the EntropiaPlanets Tracker system that allows you to keep track of your progress when it comes to Achievements, Missions, and Teleporters. We are now proud to announce some new changes to this system. With the new version, each of the three trackers now has an RSS-feed, meaning that if you run an Entropia-related website or blog, it is now possible to stream people's accomplishments directly onto your site. One example of this can be seen on the EntropiaPlanets Wiki homepage, where the latest 3 missions are shown: The RSS links to each of the trackers can be found here: Achievements Missions Teleporters Additionally, any newly registered accomplishements in the trackers now also show up on the Recent Activity: Lastly, when you navigate to the memberlist, it is now possible to sort people there based on their registered amount of achievements, missions and teleporters: For those new to the trackers, you can navigate to them directly by going to the EntropiaPlanets Trackers page, or by using the EntropiaPlanets tab at the top, and selecting Trackers from the drop-down menu: We hope that you will enjoy the new functionality offered by the trackers. As always, all feedback is welcome!