Hi, Please use this thread to list anything you noticed in the new yellow pages service we added. If you have any comments regarding lacking functionality, let us know. Found a bug? We'll investiage it faster and more vigorously than MA solves a bug that costs them money. Thank you, and we hope you will enjoy this new way of reaching more customers faster than ever
Great Initiative, got alot of spare time 2morrow to give it a actually test run. hvnt had to much time the last days unfortunately :( Cyco
Nice service. I put up a listing for my apartment shop and for one of the weapons in my shopkeeper. Not sure how to view the text that accompanies the listing. Also noted that Omegaton is not included in you list of places. I really like the idea of these yellow pages. Will be back a little later to add more items.
I'll add any locations people report as missing later. I'll also look into "missing" text you mention. Could you tell me which field it is you miss? If you appreciate the service, be sure to tell your friends about this place :) The more people use it, the more effective it will be. Oh, and be sure to update your signatures everywhere with a link to your shop, to generate some more exposure :)
Thanks for reporting that one. I fixed it. Somehow, while moving a few fields around, I must have missed the closing part of an if statement, which caused the whole thing to look pretty darn useless. Have some +rep for bringing that one to my attention :)
I added some more categories, and cleaned up a few of the redundant ones inbetween (Bilton, Genesis).
Sorry I couldn't help more with the testing, been very busy, but I'm sure I'll be using this feature :)