Entropia News: EU-Avatar-Before-n-After-Contest

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    Macca, like my poor EwoK, you look as though you swallowed a Nusul whole!

    The irony of it is that IRL I've recently been shedding the kilos...lol
  2. My Before and after look before-after.jpg
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  3. Contest needs more entries! :) And prizes listed :)
  4. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

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  5. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]






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  6. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]






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  7. sorry for double posts of some pics above. Silly server kept throwing me errors when posting it so I didn't think it took it, but it did apparently.
  8. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC


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  9. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    on the rather funny side ...

    before before before before :x3:

    317991_392762067485472_806705889_n.jpg 318026_393172847444394_767516443_n.jpg

    and after :eek (2)::eek (2)::eek (2):

    554291_395952297166449_987401471_n.jpg 533829_395952307166448_229117916_n.jpg
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  10. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Due to all the ava creation mess and updates and we'll move the deadline one week. Competition will end 17 Feb 23:59:59 EU time.

    Prizes will be in soon. ;)
  11. This is my before look [​IMG] - OK, it's only a head and shoulder pic (which I used for my old EP AV). The new one you can see to the left. Funily I did take my mask off, but I still kept my hat down...
  12. Tass

    Tass Administrator

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  13. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Then, just in time for "Apocalypso"...
    better late than never.jpg
    Followed by a wait for a year or so for MA to bring back the other half of the game that they forgot about, we enter vu 11...
    Entropia 2012-01-03 19-28-52-30.png then eventually we end up at vu 14...
    Was supposed to be a bit of a throw back to the original avatar... well not sure about that or not but will do I think...

    Let the adventures continue and let us pray MA don't screw things up (too) much. ;)

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
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  14. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    old ava look 1.jpg old ava look 3.jpg I guess I better add mine here as well. :wink:
    New ava look 3.jpg Ark pants.jpg New ava look 2.jpg
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  15. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    More prizes added to the already existing prizes:

    1. 50 PED item customization by Leeloo
    2. 30 PED item customization by Leeloo
    3. 20 PED item customization by Leeloo

    For more infomation see Colorful Faith: Leeloo's Customization Services
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  16. LOL that will be interesting if she wins :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    hehe, I thought about that too *rofl*
    but I cant win all 3 places so I guess I can just split my win towards the other 2 if it happens
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  18. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    hehe, I thought about that too *rofl*
    but I cant win all 3 places so I guess I can just split my win towards the other 2 if it happens
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  19. So many great avatars, here is mine :biggrin:


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