EUC - The time has come

Discussion in 'About EU Chronicle' started by Phunkygeeza, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Hello all,

    I'm afraid that the time has come. I have decided that I will no longer be able to Administer the EU Chronicle forums.
    Under my recent oversight, the forum has become stale and uninteresting. We all hang around because we like each other and it is a nice quiet corner of the internet, but the site must grow and adapt to live and stay fresh.

    Don't panic though, I will still host the site and keep the technical back-end alive.

    I do however want to ask you all out there if anyone would like to become the main administrator and site manager for EU Chronicle.

    This person would be given the full administrator access, and would be able to do (almost) anything they like with the site. They would be responsible for upgrades to the vBulletin software, the skins, forum maintenance, new features etc.
    I would remain then only as sponsor, host and system admin.

    I hope this will then become a new era for the site, and that under someone else's tender care it will grow and become what it should have been.

    The skills necessary are:

    • To become familiar with vBulletin publishing suite V4, how to implement, manage and administer it
    • Web Development skills; images, some html etc.
    • Passion in the subject matter
    • Drive to market the site in the Entropia Universe and encourage it's growth.

    I'm sure that the existing folks that have helped to manage the site over the years will continue to help and support the new guy as they have me - i am ever thankful for all of your help.

    If you are interested, please PM me here at the site or email me at

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  2. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    When I saw the thread title my heart skipped a beat :(

    We cant let EuC die!

    I might be interested to be the adminstrator, I have experience from vbulleting admin stuff (not sure if it was v4 though but i can always learn), and would definetely be able to do some advertising to get the forum active again
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2011
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  3. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Same as Anna, when I read the thread title I thought the forum was coming to an end. :surprise:

    Personally, I think if the site has become stale and uninteresting it has more to do with the game becoming stale and uninteresting, rather than any fault of Phunksta's. 8)

    I'm glad Phunksta will still be involved in the forum "behind the scenes", and I appreciate all the time and work that Phunksta has put into this site over the years. :yahoo:

    Good luck to the new admin, I am sure they will have our support. :)
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  4. You scared me too! Or could it be a cunning April Fools Ruse? I'm not sure I would have the time to administer it fully but would certainly be willing to help if I can. Shame you can't do it any more Phunksta, I know these things become an important part of life. Good to know you will still be around.
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  5. Excellent thread title worthy of any top tabloid around lol, I think you scared all of us ;)

    But yes, good to see the site will stay alive and nice to hear you will still hang around as well, Phunksta!
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  6. I guess what we can do is organise a team of the folks that want to take it on, then I'll hand over the administration interface. From there it can then be up to you guys how you shape the site?
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  7. Heck phunksta! I jumped as well when I first read the title of the post... Personally, it never occured to me that you felt this. I also agree with Burgerman, that the game had gone a bit stale and that this is where the fault lies...
    However, getting back on-topic - I did many months ago consider certainly helping the exisiting admin to help run the forums; hence my feable attempt at trying to do a new skin, etc - however I know now that I don't think that I have the right 'skill base' to do it, but I will certainly help anyone or anyone's that takes up the position as best I can, and will certainly stay with Eu-C..,;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2011
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  8. I would love to be able to continue to do it, but since having kids, getting promoted etc. my time seems to be an ever dwindling resource.
    The activities needed to keep the forum going get left behind, and it becomes stale as a result.
    I do feel also it's necessary to have some passion about the game, and unfortunately I seem to have lost it. EU is actually a lot more interesting these days after the 'big' VU has gooten out of the way; vehicles etc. but I can't recapture the original enjoyment I used to get from it. WHen I do get the chance I'm occasionally dabbling in LOTRO and finding I'm enjoying that like I originally did PE/EU, and this time I'm taking it slow, enjoying the story and skilling slowly. The quests are engaging, the story interesting, and it runs on my mac which EU won't ;)

    I'd dearly love to see ppl who are still enthusiastic about EU take over and bring that power to the forum, and make it a place for all players to enjoy. This is why I'm still willing to stay as sponsor/sysadmin but I think the actual site needs a breath of fresh air.

    It seems quite a few of you are still willing. Nexus your efforts were far from feeble - I simply failed to use your input as I never found time to look at it all properly. The new vBulletin uses an 'interesting' method of setting up the themes that requires very little coding. Once you are dabbling in there I'm sure you'll have good fun. The software is all paid for pretty much for ever, and hopefully donations etc will still partially cover the hosting. Above that it's unlikely anything will need to be spent in real money - but I think some expenditure on adscreen entries etc. might revitalise the site a bit. The event we used to run here were great -you lot put such great work into them it's such a shame the interest died off.

    Well enough navel gazing - assemble your team and let's get you EMPOWERED to make EUC YOUR OWN ;)
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  9. I would love to be able to continue to do it, but since having kids, getting promoted etc. my time seems to be an ever dwindling resource.
    The activities needed to keep the forum going get left behind, and it becomes stale as a result.
    I do feel also it's necessary to have some passion about the game, and unfortunately I seem to have lost it. EU is actually a lot more interesting these days after the 'big' VU has gooten out of the way; vehicles etc. but I can't recapture the original enjoyment I used to get from it. WHen I do get the chance I'm occasionally dabbling in LOTRO and finding I'm enjoying that like I originally did PE/EU, and this time I'm taking it slow, enjoying the story and skilling slowly. The quests are engaging, the story interesting, and it runs on my mac which EU won't ;)

    I'd dearly love to see ppl who are still enthusiastic about EU take over and bring that power to the forum, and make it a place for all players to enjoy. This is why I'm still willing to stay as sponsor/sysadmin but I think the actual site needs a breath of fresh air.

    It seems quite a few of you are still willing. Nexus your efforts were far from feeble - I simply failed to use your input as I never found time to look at it all properly. The new vBulletin uses an 'interesting' method of setting up the themes that requires very little coding. Once you are dabbling in there I'm sure you'll have good fun. The software is all paid for pretty much for ever, and hopefully donations etc will still partially cover the hosting. Above that it's unlikely anything will need to be spent in real money - but I think some expenditure on adscreen entries etc. might revitalise the site a bit. The event we used to run here were great -you lot put such great work into them it's such a shame the interest died off.

    Well enough navel gazing - assemble your team and let's get you EMPOWERED to make EUC YOUR OWN ;)
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  10. In that case, I might want to look at the new vB backend or control panel, and see if I could manage it...

    Concerning adscreen coverage, there's been this crazy situation over the three weeks at least where I can't even see ad terminals, let alone use them, and I was told recently in PA by an SDS rep (SDS recently took over from FPC) that they have not been in-game since a recent patch was downloaded. Yet ads are still appearing regularly - LOL! So either a lucky few have their own terminals in their estates, or all the ads we are seeing were paid for in advance.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2011
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  11. I have a test system which unfortunately got spammed to hell.
    I'll reset it with a fresh copy of the live site, then you guys can have at.

    Can you formalise a list of ppl who want in for me? It might be an idea to make a discussion group here on the live site.
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  12. I'll give it a good try!
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  13. Hello again all,

    Just got back from holiday, so I haven't done much on handing the forum over yet.
    Also new news is that my hosting is changing very soon, so I will be forced to rebuild the site on a new system anyway.

    If there are no massive objections, I will rebuild to the latest version of vBulletin. This will be a bit messy during the transition but ultimately it should save an awful lot of time.

    From what I've read so far a few of you are interested in getting this underway, although nexus I'm guessing you're busy with entropia star at the moment. You will of course be welcome to use the EuC platform to further those aims if you like: I'm sure it's possible to do that although it might not be straightforward.

    Anyroad, I'll keep you up to date, and I'll get in contact with those of you showing an interest in due course.

    Thanks everyone!
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  14. Ok, Anna, Chela, nexus7:

    I've dropped you into the 'Super Moderators' group for now, so this should open up all of the forums to you.

    See what that lets you do, it should open up all sorts of abilities.

    I still need to work on a set of full admin permissions that keeps that last bastion of control with the main admins (currently still burgerman and I) but I'm just starting the job of moving/upgrading the site as I type so look forward to the update!
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  15. Thank you Phunksta :).
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  16. Yes, I am now fairly busy with entropia star; but I'm sure I'll be able to find time to help out with the super moderators group as much as I can.
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  17. With my new level of access I tried posting to the Promotion forum, I can see the contents but cannot post? Also the chat box seems to have done a runner!

    Sorry Phunksta, just making more work for you!
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  18. Seems to me that in order to invigorate this site what we really need is some new blood, some people who are keen and enjoying discovering the various planets of the Entropia Universe. Unfortunately there do not seem to be many of these around, wandering around Calypso things are not the way they used to be! So the task is not an easy one from that point of view.

    Here are some thoughts on how to revive the fortunes of EUC.

    Need some ideas as to how we can get people in EU to visit in the first place.
    Possibly place a bigger emphasis on EUC hosting Soc. forums and maybe allowing a Soc. forum to be a mini site within EUC that can be a home on the web for the Soc. so it has both a public and a private area. Socs wishing to this would need to be able to create a site here.

    Once someone visits EUC we need to improve the chances of them staying.
    To this end I think some kind of update to the site is required.
    Get some new graphics that catch the eye, EU looks a lot different now days.
    Remove any old outdated guides etc. New ones will need to be produced but in the first instance best they are not there if they are of no use.
    Make the site look used, I have been trying recently with lots of posts to make it look like it's in use, I am getting some responses to the posts but not many. If those on the site do not use it why should any visitor?

    These are just some preliminary thoughts and already this is a lot of work, certainly much more than I have time for. I have been thinking that things have changed since I joined EUC, do people use forums as much as they used to or has their attention moved toward social networking now? Certainly Facebook and Twitter provide excellent ways for people to communicate and plan when not in game. They can also share screen shots etc.

    A very worrying thought has crossed my mind, unless someone with time, drive and enthusiasm steps up then this is not going to get done in which case has EUC had it's day? :(
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  19. Some very good points here... Allowing societies to have their own sub-forum/mini-site is a good idea. Another idea that springs to mind, is to open-up or expand the news forums, which I may have touched on before.
    Specifically, you would have a forum simply called News or News Forum, and that would be split into sections, such as version update/new content release news; planet specific update news; in-game as-it-happens news, etc.
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  20. The posting of news in various categories is a good idea.

    Just occurred to me, with the opening of Space and the separation of world economies, some kind of markup comparison of items in different worlds would be good. I have no idea how to achieve this though!
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