Beacon mission WMV file (40MB ish) [vs][/vs] I hope we can do this again but get more than just my point of view...
I'd be interested to hear from people about their experience of playing this video. Did you have enough bandwidth? did it stream ok or did it lag a lot? Is the player the right shape? For me it comes out very squashed but I tracked it down to having loaded M$ Media player 11. For reference, you can upload video, and then use the VS BBcode tag to put a player in your post. So, if you attached 'myvid.wmv', you can use: Note: without the extra spaces I put in
It runs well for me in the web page display, as long as I let the buffer fill and don't try jumping ahead in the video, it ran smoothly. The shape and size all seemed fine. Also I downloaded the full file and used BSplayer to view it offline, it runs very well and is a nice way to experience a Beacon mission experience while offline. :)