Hey folks, as you know the EuTropians are history, sniff. This thread should be a place where we can post memories, screnies, funny things related to the EuTropians. The EuTropians section is closed so I start the thread in here. BR
You've got my full attention. Are all folksas the EuTropians history sniff?What does "this" refer to?Is closed so he or she start the thread in here also EuTropians section? Do you have any conditions I should know about?
I was just going to mention that there are loads of that in the EuTropians section, I hope it won't get deleted but only closed for making new posts and threads!? Will go through my old computer to see if I got any stuff left from the EuT times. What I remember most of is our beacon runs, simply couldn't get enough of those! Quite some threads about them in the EuT section with pictures. Another fun memory is when me, Slarty and Kets rather naively strapped on our shiny armors, stocked up with a few tens (!) of peds ammo and created a team to go visit the current landgrab with the motto "you never know, we can get lucky" LOL. Unfortunately, we didn't get lucky. Good times :)
I guess I always remember the beginnings; when it all came together to try and help out newbies and help them aquire the basics that at the time, unfortunately, they would easily get ripped off for. It was also before all the 'big organised' TP runs etc., where we would regularly take out a whole batch of newbies into the wild on the runs to pheonix and beyond - teaching them lots along the way. Equal loot was also a possibility, so they could learn to hunt, with less risk, and still getting a nice bit of loot for their trouble. All good fun it was ;) *sigh*
Some screenies I found on one of my disks :) This was a beacon run we did in April 2007 Another beacon run in May 2007 And some Atrax hunt with Red and Phunk (oups, I had long hair ???) one of our naked runs :) A TP run with James, shortly after he joined, in underwear of cours
You did a great job with this and certainly had a big part in the very enjoyable start I had in EU. I can't really imagine there being many better places for a newcomer as in EuTropians back in 2007-08. I never had an official mentor but you served as a whole bunch of inofficial mentors instead.
Did I really?Why can't you do imagine there being many better places for a newcomer as in EuTropians back in 2007-08?Would you ever like to had an official mentor but you served as a whole bunch of inofficial mentors?
Another bunch of screenies. It was the farewell party for Una after joining the rangers:) Champaign first: look at those bodys :) Atrox afterwards: