Event: The Winner Takes It All - 5k PED Prize

Discussion in 'Entropian Events' started by Oleg, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. Entropian Events and Qetesh present

    The Winner Takes It All

    A hunting and mining contest
    27 November – 1 January
    Win 5000 PED for a single global!

    That’s right, 5000 PED for getting just one global. It couldn’t be simpler :)

    To enter, all you need to do is post screenshots of the globals you score on any of the five land areas included in the competition. Both hunting and mining globals are allowed.

    At the end of the contest, all eligible globals will be compiled into a numbered list, and one will be chosen at random, using the UK National Lottery Dream Number to generate a random choice.

    The player who posted the winning global will win 5000 PED.

    So just one global will give you a chance of the big prize, but if you post 100 globals your chance of winning will be 100 times greater!

    The competition is open to individuals and teams. An individual entrant may also enter as part of a team, or in multiple teams – there are no restrictions, as long as each global is only posted once.


    The competition takes place on five land areas.

    OLA-16 is the LA that contains Nea’s Place TP. The mobs here are small Ambulimax.


    OLA-20 is west of Rei’s Defence and contains small Longu.


    OLA-34 is east of Segna Forest. Low-mid range Hogglo (mainly Old to Guardian) roam this land, along with a handful of Atrox.


    OLA-41 is immediately east of New Switzerland TP. There is a very thin spawn of Argonaut Young here, with plenty of room for miners to ply their trade.


    OLA-61 is west of Shinook Jungle and is free of wildlife.



    1. The contest runs from 1200 UTC (MA time) on Friday 27 November 2009 until 1200 UTC on Friday 1 January 2010.

    2. Screenshots must be posted here within 24 hours of the time shown in the chat window.

    3. To be valid, all screenshots must clearly show the global message, the location, and the time in your chat window, the name of your avatar or team and a map confirming your position inside the land area.

    4. Please do not edit your posts! If you have something to add, make a new post. Edited posts may be disallowed.

    5. Globals are only valid if scored within the boundaries of OLA-16, OLA-20, OLA-34, OLA-41 or OLA-61. Globals on creatures not spawned by the DNA will not count.

    6. The winning global will be chosen following the UK National Lottery Dream Number draw on 6 January 2010, using a modulo function to determine the winner.

    7. The judge of this competition is Oleg Oleg McMullery. In the event of any dispute, Oleg’s decision is final.

    8. We reserve the right to disallow any entries in the case of suspected PhotoShopping or other foul play.


    NOTE: This competition is also open on another forum. Entries from both forums will be combined to make the final global list.
  2. Numbers of globals posted so far, and the percentage they make up of the total:

    Bart Barto Fine: 35 (10.36%)
    Glen Livet Livet: 34 (10.06%)
    xX Ghostknife Xx: 25 (7.40%)
    tiberium tb blue: 20 (5.92%)
    Kane Knuckles Peterson: 19 (5.62%)
    Eufrat Frat-boy Tigris: 15 (4.44%)
    Leo NewShoes Johnson: 15 (4.44%)
    Jehu Da King: 15 (4.44%)
    Brankicica McB McBrit: 14 (4.14%)
    lukas will blake: 12 (3.55%)
    Natural Born Killers: 11 (3.25%)
    SaS - Caz and Steve event ambus: 9 (2.66%)
    Alex Gander Leaden: 9 (2.66%)
    Scott DoctorH Joel: 7 (2.07%)
    Tom Archy Bald: 6 (1.78%)
    Pete Pete Hines: 6 (1.78%)
    Fisk TheDead Fiskus: 6 (1.78%)
    Ann Lykke TheNun: 6 (1.78%)
    Beech & Loren Makin Bacon!: 5 (1.48%)
    Leo Blueman Morosanu: 5 (1.48%)
    EON: 4 (1.18%)
    Janis kirurgs Voits: 4 (1.18%)
    Paul Krk Krk: 4 (1.18%)
    Si'Thaiphooh sndlwood McQueen: 4 (1.18%)
    Marcus Kaine Kaine: 3 (0.89%)
    Jarek CvX Cvoxs: 3 (0.89%)
    IMBA: 3 (0.89%)
    JSeven Jay Allen: 3 (0.89%)
    I miss Long Tooth: 3 (0.89%)
    Juan Balberith Martinez: 2 (0.59%)
    Emilia En Sunflower: 2 (0.59%)
    Steve Bananen Atse: 2 (0.59%)
    Lockly Percival Duvall: 2 (0.59%)
    Meya Mya Fernz: 2 (0.59%)
    Jaqui Rockchick Jovi: 2 (0.59%)
    Afro and Gaz: 2 (0.59%)
    Martin Martin Petersen: 2 (0.59%)
    Selling tps only 10k usd: 2 (0.59%)
    Archie Clipper Moonsail: 2 (0.59%)
    Jack JJ Johnson: 2 (0.59%)
    Nixola Nixa Rex: 1 (0.30%)
    Hol jiriki Lander: 1 (0.30%)
    Tarrak Tar Daltor: 1 (0.30%)
    Tom Kalimon Arren: 1 (0.30%)
    Trex Twitchie Prada: 1 (0.30%)
    Affe Aframo Mr Afroman: 1 (0.30%)
    Bruno the shiek Branson: 1 (0.30%)
    Vincent vzvz92 Roulou: 1 (0.30%)
    Loki & Jay: 1 (0.30%)
    Ajax 80 Tennyson: 1 (0.30%)
    Patrick Dangerous Star: 1 (0.30%)
  3. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    nice contest, should be able to get one or 2 globals
  4. Starting tomorrow!
  5. We have begun!
  6. Im working on it, but they wont give me any loot never mind a swirly :frown:
  7. It looks like we have a small problem with the numbers of Ambu at Nea's, due to running out of fertiliser.

    This should be fixed very soon so the mob density will get much better. It might even have been done already, I haven't been in game yet today so I'm not sure :)
  8. I was there 20 mins ago and there where loads of them :shoot:
  9. Cool, Qetesh reloaded the fertiliser so there should be no more spawn problems :) Let me know if you spot any similar problems on any of the LAs and we'll get it fixed up. Not the Argos though, they are supposed to be low-density.
  10. Ok after 6 x 200ped runs on these 'Beeping' things I got 1 swirly LOL


    I take it its ok to post here? or do you need it in EF as well?
  11. No need to post in EF or there would be no point in running the event on two forums :)

    However I do need to see a map on screen. I will accept this one if those co-ordinates check out, but not any more!

  12. :alcohol: Oh nooos sorry:blush: I missed that, should read the rules better :deal:
  13. Not really scores, but here are the numbers of globals posted so far and the percentage they make up of the total:

    Eufrat Frat-boy Tigris: 7 (17.95%)
    xX Ghostknife Xx: 5 (12.82%)
    Beech & Loren Makin Bacon!: 5 (12.82%)
    Glen Livet Livet: 4 (10.26%)
    Marcus Kaine Kaine: 3 (7.69%)
    EON: 2 (5.13%)
    tiberium tb blue: 2 (5.13%)
    Juan Balberith Martinez: 2 (5.13%)
    Emilia En Sunflower: 2 (5.13%)
    Martin Martin Petersen: 1 (2.56%)
    Nixola Nixa Rex: 1 (2.56%)
    Si'Thaiphooh sndlwood McQueen: 1 (2.56%)
    Hol jiriki Lander: 1 (2.56%)
    Tarrak Tar Daltor: 1 (2.56%)
    JSeven Jay Allen: 1 (2.56%)
    Jaqui Rockchick Jovi: 1 (2.56%)
  14. I know for a fact % means jack shit because a few years ago I did a Allo Stalker event and had about 50% of all entries and a guy with maybe 5% won:dunno:

    I wonder how will you pick the numbers? I know its lottery but how will you do it on 2 forums? Will EP globals count as first batch or 2nd batch of the event.

    Hope you understand what I mean
  15. They will be put together as a list in the order that I record them, which will be more or less in the order that they are posted as I'm checking every day.

    Since it's random anyway there's no advantage to be gained by being in a certain place on the list (unless you can predict both the lottery number and the number of entries into the competition :)) so it doesn't really make any difference anyway.

    % means exactly what it says, a % chance. The 5% guy had a 5% chance of winning, and he got lucky :)
  16. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    wth - why not :) a little ambu:


  17. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Here is my 4 so far. I been testing slow guns hoping for "Regen Globals" but after about 8hours, 4globals and pretty bad loot I am abit...bored

  18. Bored of Tbird gloves by the looks of it :D

    Eufrat Frat-boy Tigris: 11 (15.07%)
    Glen Livet Livet: 9 (12.33%)
    tiberium tb blue: 8 (10.96%)
    xX Ghostknife Xx: 6 (8.22%)
    Beech & Loren Makin Bacon!: 5 (6.85%)
    Kane Knuckles Peterson: 4 (5.48%)
    Marcus Kaine Kaine: 3 (4.11%)
    SaS - Caz and Steve event ambus: 3 (4.11%)
    Tom Archy Bald: 3 (4.11%)
    EON: 2 (2.74%)
    Juan Balberith Martinez: 2 (2.74%)
    Emilia En Sunflower: 2 (2.74%)
    Steve Bananen Atse: 2 (2.74%)
    Jarek CvX Cvoxs: 2 (2.74%)
    Martin Martin Petersen: 1 (1.37%)
    Nixola Nixa Rex: 1 (1.37%)
    Si'Thaiphooh sndlwood McQueen: 1 (1.37%)
    Hol jiriki Lander: 1 (1.37%)
    Tarrak Tar Daltor: 1 (1.37%)
    JSeven Jay Allen: 1 (1.37%)
    Jaqui Rockchick Jovi: 1 (1.37%)
    Ann Lykke TheNun: 1 (1.37%)
    Lockly Percival Duvall: 1 (1.37%)
    Bart Barto Fine: 1 (1.37%)
    Fisk TheDead Fiskus: 1 (1.37%)
  19. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    A few more from earlier today :)




  20. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator


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