Exaustpipe Phallus

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Shinobi, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    If a dude said "you are really deep".. He means "you are really sooo full of shit" :handjob:

    If a stoned dude said it, he had no idea what you were talking about :confused:

    If a gay dude said it.. he wants to date you. :love:
  2. LOL!!! None of the above. His comment was absolutelly subject related and believe me, he did not mean I was full of crap, that I know for a fact.

    But fine, u dont wanna drop this. Dude I may be full of shit, but youre ugly. Next morn I wake up and shower, I am clean and youre still ugly. LOL:nutkick:
  3. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    Well, Mythbusters did prove that you CAN polish a turd :evil:

    • Like Like x 1
  4. ha Ha Ha Ha Ha LMAO! Seriously very funeh Chops! You got me all teary eyed in LOL there. Good one, plus rep and all that.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    We aim to please :woohoo:
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