Sweating events, well, you start sweating when starting time is reached, if you start be4 YOUR AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED!!!! When you post, post needs to have 2 or more screen-shots, one screen-shot when you started sweating (first successful bottle of sweat with time in bottom) and rest are windows with remaining bottles of sweat and with finishing time on below.... also when you screen-shot it your chat needs to be scrolled down and time has to be on end, so that there's no misunderstandings nor cheaters :), after you gave screen-shots you need to post collected amount of sweat. You have example in attachment. if you break any of these rules your disqualified.
hey, how long will this event run? since if you die aquired sweat dosent show up in the loot window if you die.. like if you get 21,11 and 4 sweat then you die.. then you get 4,15,7 window will still show 21,11 and 4.. just a tip;)
heres answer :) Brukits: You can screen-shot be4 you die :) and post it, with time included, it can be massive screen-shots, mainly time is visible and 1st succed is there with time and 1 bottle of sweat inside :) Zack: Soonn, very soon, as soon as donations reach bigger value, cuz this will also be opening event for my site: www.eu-mentor.weebly.com :) gl and hf all this was me :) 4got to reg be4 replyin ^^