[Feb 9, 2012] Calypso Wacky Races (Cape Corinth)

Discussion in 'Entropia Events' started by nexus7, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. The 'Calypso Wacky Races' event.

    Where: Starting point/area is near the TP at Cape Corinth
    When: Saturday 3rd March at 8:30 PM in-game time
    (meet at Cape Corinth TP 8:15 PM)
    Vehicle needed: Valkyrie Mk1 only

    Prizes: 1st Place 100 PED, 2nd Place 75 PED, 3rd Place 50 PED.
    Entry: 10 PED payable on the day (between 8:15 and 8:30 PM in-game time)

    * See map below for the route

    Other info:

    1. Marshals/event organizers will meet contestants at Cape corinth TP and will then take contestants to the start area (not far from the TP)
    2. Start of the race will be when a firework-rocket goes off
    3. The race will be monitored by aircraft to deter ppl from cheating, such as TPing and going cross-country too much (obvious mistakes allowed)
    4. At least three marshals will be standing in a line across the finish-point so that contestants will know exactly where the finish is

    That's all folks, except to say we need as many taking part as possible, and have fun!

  2. Looks good ,I`m in :alcohol:

    Avatar: Evil Aeon Flux
  3. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    nice one! have fun and good luck with it :)
  4. Thanks ppl :) Other entropians also interested in the event, just add your AV name to the list.
  5. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    You guys should have an off world race one day. Could be organised using a mo ship to get everyone there
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Glad you brought this up Wistrel. The original idea was to have the race on the F.O.M.A asteroid at the racetrack, but one of the organizers was worried that the cost of getting into space would put ppl off. Having said that, we didn't think of mo ships which would mean that ppl wouldn't lose items through any PvP situation ;) The Calypso Wacky Races won't always be in the same place though, so the asteroid could be the next one if we can find a mo ship owner...
  7. Just 11 Days to go till the Calypso Wacky Races starts, so please add your AV name ppl. Thx :)
  8. Sry to bump the thread again, but just 7 days to go till event start on 3 March, 8:30 PM MA time!
  9. great event :wink: I'll be there for suport :cool (2):
  10. Im in! Daimler CrazyWolf Segundo
  11. Thx ppl! Just four days to go now...
  12. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    • Like Like x 1
  13. So, one day for event and only 2 or 3 competitors, maybe someone else will join on the day of event :)
  14. I would have joined but I don't have the requierd car :(
    But i support your effort anyway :)
  15. Thanks for everyone's support! Just a few hours to go now... Yep, seems there's only a few ppl that want to take part, but even then the event will be honored ;) That is, funds have been put aside for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places (100/75/50 peds).
  16. Well, the event has already happened, so big thanks to those who took part. Wasn't that many I know, but it was a new event and at least it was honored properly with prizes, etc.
    Envisage that future Calypso Wacky Races will be held monthly and at different locations!
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