First 3D Games Coming To PS3 In June

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by EP-Newsbot, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    There has been a ton of hype about 3D gaming over the last year or so, with many industry-insiders hyping it as the next wave of game immersion, but the problem is, other than attendees at gaming industry events, no one has really had a chance to try out 3D gaming. That's all going to change on June 10, when the first 3D PlayStation 3 games and first 3D Sony televisions are released in Japan.

    The games: Mr. Pain, Star Strike HD, WipEout HD and a free demo of MotorStorm 2.

    The games and sets are expected to be released in the United States soon afterward, and the market will get its first real taste of consumer response to 3D gaming. The last PS3 update already primed your system for 3D gaming, so you're ready to rock when the games come out here... if you buy the TV set, of course.

    Some in the industry think the public will be very interested in 2D, judging from the success of 3D movies like Avatar, others, like me, aren't so sure. 3D games are kind of neat, I guess, but personally, I have no desire to have it in my house, especially if it's going to cost extra. Nothing I've seen has caused that "gotta have it!" reaction that would cause me to go buy a brand new, expensive television and strap on the special glasses. Maybe that's the curse of early adoptation, and there are truly mind-blowing 3D games in the works. Time will tell.

    What about you? Do you have a burning desire for depth in your games?


    [​IMG] PlayStation 3 - MotorStorm - Wipeout - United States - Japan[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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