Forum feature request: RSS subscription for blogs

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Magyar, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. Hey,

    Id like to request that the blogs be cabable of subscribing to an RSS feed. Alot of us have blogs on other sites. It would be convenient for those of us that do to be able to post our blogs on a single site, and have them populate automatically.

    Is this possible with vBulletin?


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  2. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

    That's an awesome idea. Let me see if we can make that happen... in the meantime, hit me up w/ your blog URLs here or by PM! My blogroll on is pretty empty.
  3. Can't +rep again unfortunately. VERY nice suggestion
  4. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    Something like that can be done here, but it would have to be individually setup per blog...
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