FPC Affiliate-Programm

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by Bogger, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    i was going to post, nice spoting to knuckles that this is dodgy. however, if its officially, frankly that makes me very concerned about FPC. who can they afford a 3%-10% commission? does that come from the depositors pocket, FPC margin or the generic loot pool?
  2. Hard to say, I would hope from FPC.

    The parts that throw me off is that the site is registered to a company called Planet Calypso Affiliate Program with a legit german VAT-ID and its not mentioned anywhere in MindArks financial report as a current or future company/investment.

    Also when reading the info a friend of mine spotted that it says the auction fee goes 50-50 to MindArk and the planet partner and you might get a small share of that cookie. I remember it being said by MindArk that the auctionfee goes back into lootpool... :headscratch:
  3. 3% = 300 US$ --> 100% = 10,000 US$ (per month)

    10,000 US$ / 500 Players = 20 US$ or 200 PED (per avatar and month)...

    Let's assume you play 10 days/month, you pay like 20 PED per day, assuming MA charges 10% of cycled PEDs, you'd have to cycle 200 ped 10 times per month...

    Play 10 days, shoot ~200 PED ammo per day (well, less actually, the gun decays, too, and we have armor, fap and other shit that decays)

    Sorry, but imo, those numbers even too low.

    And 3% from their fee (not from player turnover) appears to be very low for commission, even 15% isn't thaaat much - i pay more if you bring me a new customer...

    The percentages are based on what FPC earns (take 50% of my calculation above: 50% FPC, 50% MA), still looks low to me.
  4. Its $42 a month, FPC get 50% which they round down to $20

  5. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    reading the site it seemt FPC will be pooling 3-15% of their revenue to the affiliate scheme. not so bad as first looks then. i dont think its a pyramid either, its a collective pool... i think... the overview explaination posted here doesnt quite fit with reading other pages.

    no wonder they kept it quite though, i dont think the EF mindshare could cope. genies out now, wait for a binfest (almost started one myself but thought to actually read the site first:whistle:)
  6. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    theres some interesting implications of this as i read it, basically FPC will be able to track an avatars specific income in order to feed that back to a referer. unless it is pooled in which case they cant do this so all the affiliates get thrown in together whether they attract 10 or 100 players they get the same.

    either way, i wouldnt pay too much attention to the actuall numbers used, they are just being consistant with the usuall line from MA bout cost. might be interesting to sign up to the affiliate, sign one player and see what numbers can be gained from that.
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  7. Yes it is not a secure connection, even not on the page where they want your name,phonenumber,bank number etc etc.

    Thats why it seems so odd that its a genuine thing. The site is pretty unprotected and as I said earlier, full with spelling and grammar errors and other bugs
  8. I'm pretty confident that they record all those data already since the beginning.

    Actually, i even remember one particular thread on EF where someone claimed he lost the stuff from a global in pvp3/4 but couldn' remember being looted -in a reply to his support case MA told him exactly on what he globalled, how much PEDs he got and when he got PK'ed after.

    The site is not only ful of spelling errors, it is available in english, german and polish (!), whereas MAs official Planet Calypso website is available in english, french, spanish and german.

    Not planning to go to Berlin anytime soon, but i have friends over there, or maybe someone closer to the domain registrars address could have a look... or well, maybe i ring him up? :P

    And on a sidenote, it is fishy if you don't even provide secure http for sensible data like bank account number, yada yada... (at least via secure proxy) - if i were MA/FPC, i'd rather not be connected to them...

    And until Marco himself confirms it in public i still stand to what i claimed before:
    This CANT be official.
  9. So who is Stefan Krger then?
  10. The guy taking the blame for it if its deemed illegal? Separate company and all;)
  11. Hehe, obviously - but it's no familiar name, i.e. somehow known to be connected to MA/FPC or any of the planet partners, that's what my question aimed at...
  12. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    cynical... but why else? its even in a different country! less cynically, maybe simply such commission schemes are not allowed in Sweden?? tax implications?
  13. If it would be deemed "not allowed" in Sweden then how is MindArk/FPC gonna be able to distribute the commissions? I doubt its allowed to send funds to a "not allowed" company that hands it out
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