G4TV: Nintendo Is 121 Years Old Today

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by EP-Newsbot, Sep 23, 2010.

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    Today is Nintendo's birthday. The Japanese company was founded on this day in 1889, which makes Nintendo 121 years old. Amazing, no? Video games are obviously a new thing for Nintendo, but gaming goes way back. The company started out as a firm that manufactured and sold playing cards, specifically, Hanafuda cards.

    The company dabbled in a number of other businesses, including "Love Hotels," selling instant rice, and a cab company, but wasn't super successful until it began making toys, and then light gun games, and then video games, and then Mario and consoles and the modern era of Nintendo-power.

    One hundred and twenty one years is a long time for any company to stick around. I wonder which firms that are around today will still be doing anything in 121 years? Think about it: Even big oil companies will be in ruin by then. Media companies as well will face stiff challenges as the way entertainment is delivered and created changes.

    If we learn anything from Nintendo, it's that you need to keep flexible to stay alive!

    Source: Kotaku


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