Aardman, the Academy Award winning animation studio behind the delightfully quirky Wallace and Gromit series, have teamed up with Ubisoft to create a pilot and a number of shorts based on Ubisoft’s premier insane Leporids franchise, Raving Rabbids. “When the opportunity arose to work with Ubisoft on the Rabbids we leapt at it,” said Aardman head of broadcast Miles Bullough in an official statement. “We absolutely love the characters and can’t wait to help bring them to a television audience.” Ubisoft’s French studios managing director echoed these sentiments saying, “The not-so-subtle humor of the Rabbids has made them into icons in and beyond video games. Aardman perfectly understands that humor and we are extremely excited to be working with them to bring the Rabbids to a new medium and a new audience.” No official time frame or network info have been announced at this time, but I'd expect more concrete details as we get closer to the November 21 of Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time. Aardman Digital actually designed the website for the upcoming Wii title , so there’s some history there. I actually can’t wait to see what Aardman does with the Rabbids template, especially if the shorts are done in the studios’ classic stop-motion style. Should the need arise, feel free to E-Mail me your tips, suggestions, and/or personal philosophies, or follow me on Twitter. More...