Game deals

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by Tass, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    oooh I think I'd have liked art of Rally but alas have missed the givaway. Did just grab south of the circle though off Gog. That looks like my kinda thing. Occurs to me that when Steam throws it's windows 7 users out of the pram in a couple of weeks I might just start working through my humble bundle, epic and Gog backlog. Screw em...

    (this said, a certain games development company did just make me "an offer I couldn't refuse" on a 2nd hand computer - so once I acquire linux or a windows version that Steam will support, I should be good on all games for a long time to come).


    PS piss.... probably missed out on Outer worlds, did have that on a watch list.... at this rate... if I make it to retirement in one vaguely functioning piece... I won't be bored.
  2. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Portal Revolution (a free Portal 2 mod) is available now... and it's great fun.
  3. San


  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Thanks! Have passed on to a few peeps. I already have it and am not on the steam version but still not actually tried the expanaion yet since replacing my dead Gfx card.

    PS in other news picked up a "new" PC for cheaps with a previous gen Gfx card in from top end 2018. Not sure when I'll be arsed to actually start using/switching to it though. SO unmotivated by such things right now. Only got it because it was teh megacheap through a friend's closing down workplace.
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  5. Castlevania series is free on Epic Games now... 8 games in one!
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  6. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Update haha STILL not turned on the new PC. I do at least have it in my possession now. Still can't think of a reason for a new PC yet aside from for AI or VR. And I don't have time for either still (except occasional standalone Beatsaber on the Quest 2)
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