Gaming News - G4TV: Kane And Lynch 2: Dog Days Demo Coming Exclusively To Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by EP-Newsbot, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. Xbox 360 owners who are particularly excited about Square Enix’s upcoming gritty shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days can now put in to receive exclusive access to the game’s demo starting July 1. All you have to do is visit the official Kane & Lynch 2 YouTube channel and become a friend of the channel.

    It isn’t exactly clear, but it sounds like only a limited number of demo tokens will be given out, and the demo itself, which will include playable portions of the campaign, arcade and multiplayer modes, will only be available for a short time. I’m assuming this means available exclusively on the 360 for a limited time before becoming available on the PlayStation 3 and PC, but I'm checking with Square just to make sure.

    Anyone out there signed up yet? Anyone received a token?

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