Going back to WoW.

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by USURPER, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. I made an effort to try and get started again, bought new armor and weapon, deposited around 30k ped
    and got my knees capped by MA.
    The piss poor state this universe is in right now with the worst lag i have ever experienced and an economy
    that lays in ruins is a place i don't want to be in.
    Planet calypso with Marco and his other clowns can absolutly keep they planet.
    Their lowest level mark was just set by a crying and sobbing Skam / Hanne in a post telling us
    she thought we were terrible because we are upset and questions their way of conducting business.
    That was just the proof i needed to verify the exceptionally low professional level those people have.

    I will put my last hope to Planet Arcadia and Planet Syrene.
    If they also prooves to be junk i will chip out and be done with this place.
    If that day comes it will be a shame because i have been with this game for a long time and have
    loved it very much (pre VU 10.0) to then see my favorite game of all times fall to pieces.
    So until then me and my little Gnome Mage will tear it up Aliance style a bit more.
    I'm heading back to Azeroth and good old Stormwind for a while longer.
    Later all!
    And take care!
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