ROCKtropia News: Great Escape!

Discussion in 'ROCKtropia' started by EP-Newsbot, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. I heard George Ace Skywalker made the first Successful escape from No Way Out today! Man that's good news... I would be right on his heels, but there's nowhere for me to hide on the outside, They shoved a Damn Twitter transmitter in my ass when they locked me up in here so the whole world can keep track of my every move...

    I met a petty thief in prison today, he was a pretty funny guy, he seems to like being incarcerated, he was telling me how he makes money trading Hooch, he also has a mule who smuggles in TP chips.. He then told me he had a secret that he wanted to share with me, so I followed him back to his cell. He Loosened a brick in the wall and Pulled it out. Inside a cavity in the wall, was his secret prized Posession, a Laptop, an 11 inch Alienware, he offered to let me check my email for free, but I could tell he had a key logger on there.. Clever Bugger, that's how he scams all the guys in prison, gets access to their email accounts...
    The funny part of the whole story is that he told me the reason he doesn't mind being in Prison is because after lights out he logs into ROCKtropia and hunts Pop Dragons with his Soc mates... Is that even possible an NPC with a laptop has who plays Entropia Universe... Things are starting to get surreal in NWO..
    He even offered to lend me the laptop so I could log into NEVERDIE, he wanted to watch me play with myself... This place is full of Perverts, I recommend staying clear of other peoples Cells.​

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  2. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Interesting the NewsBot is picking up stuff from May 2011?
  3. narfi

    narfi Lost

    i noticed was down for maintenance today, and the newsbot picked this stuff up about when I think they brought it back online.

    Not sure what they did, but now they are showing all the 'music news' spam stuff on the new posts list again which is pretty annoying.
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  4. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Thanks for the info Narf ... there seems to have been quite a bit of spamming going on at the forum there as well, so I hope they get it all sorted.
  5. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    I cleaned up the old news :)
  6. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Yeah!! Gratz on the achievment.. :yay: I didn't see this the first time so it's new news to me!! :biggrin:
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