Greek Screenshot Contest

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Meg, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. XD

    its really sad that no one else could / did put more screenies up I love the scenery here
  2. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    Softhart, I almost did the same thing! But, I think Kitten still wins all 3 slots. :)
    I hope they deliver the peds to her in Greece. Oh, wait... I guess it doesn't matter since they can't be used there.
  3. LOL Of course she should seeing as she is the only one with Real screenshots. :) Contest is now over, where is the official announcement?
  4. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Give her her prize in greece in the form of an unlimited ice dagger!

  5. ohhh and name it "the kitten claw" that would be eeepic hehehe
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