Happy 5th Birthday, Wiki!

Discussion in 'EntropiaPlanets Wiki' started by Tass, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Wiki turned 5 today! Gz to wiki and tyvm to all who made contributions in whatever shape or form.

    In the 5 years many has been achieved. It began with a plain text wiki. Today there are form-editable pages that anyone can create or edit, even the forms and template themselves can be edited by anyone. There are semantic queries, also editable by anyone, delivering various result formats such as tables, maps, galleries, graphs, and guess what, all editable by anyone.

    Content is available on more than 20,000 pages, there are almost 7,000 images. Those pages have been viewed more than 14,000,000 times, the pages representing an guide to EU more than 700,000 times alone, currently the average page views per day are ~12,000. And most important, the content is available under a "free culture" Creative Commons license, making it truly belonging to the community. Meanwhile an API makes it possible for anyone to display wiki content on their own website or app, as of today content is delivered to neverdie.com, arkadiaforum.com, nextislandforum.com and cyreneforum.com. Recently Narfi implemented a prototype of the first on-wiki tool to compare different hunting setups, confirming that so far we pretty accurately managed to meet "milestones" outlined in this "roadmap": EntropiaPlanets Wiki Past-Present-Future.

    However, what has been achieved in the past doesn't really matter, there's much more to do. We were hoping to introduce a brand-new feature but due to server issues it wil take a little longer. So for birthday wiki would like to have someone with progamming skills looking into customizing features to better meet the needs of the EU community. And also, that more people realize that wiki is a great tool for so many occasions and a much better place for a large portion of the content that 20 years after the introduction of the wiki concept is still put into hilariously inferior forum platforms.

    So what will the future bring? In the making is a modern notification system similar to what you know from forums, another editor for more convenient editing of 'plain' content, better mapping capabilities, better API for sharing content with the off-wiki world, better methods for integrating content from outside the wiki, better multimedia capabilities, and much much more. It has been suggested to merge with Entropedia, so... why not!?
    Besides the pure wiki feature development, work on content will be stepped up, for the EU guide, for better creature pages, for more location based descriptions encouraging exploring, but also for areas that haven't really been touched already, such as events, societies and the avatar itself.
    To close with a famous Marco quote: The future for EP wiki is brighter than ever.

    And now, don't even think of replying to this thread or clicking the Gz button, use the wiki pinboard page: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/EntropiaPlanets_Wiki/Pinboard ;)

    • Gratz Gratz x 3
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