Harold Sipe - Exclusive Interview - ET June Issue

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by MindStar9, May 14, 2011.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    It is my pleasure to announce that I will be producing an exclusive interview with Harold Sipe in the June issue of the EntropiaTimes magazine. As we all know (at least I think we all do), Harold is Next Island's new Producer/Planet Manager and on board to help take Next Island into a new direction.

    Thank you Meg for contacting me and presenting this opportunity. It will be a very nice addition to the June issue of the magazine, which is already chock full of good stuff. VIP interviews are a favorite, and this will be no exception.

    And thank you Harold for connecting with me in all those media places I hang out in to help facilitate this production, much appreciated.

    For those of you who aren't aware yet ... I created a new MindStar Media Facebook page to keep everyone informed of what the latest is regarding my media work both independently and as staff with the EP Media Center. Links to the FB page, as well as Twitter and the MSR radio station are provided in my signature.

    I will be producing 4 articles for this issue of ET now, and while I will certainly be experiencing a bit of sleep deprivation since we are getting closer to the deadline for submitting our work to Lykke, it's quite ok. As I told Meg and Harold, it balances me at the edge where I usually find my adrenaline rush that keeps me flyin' at MachStar9 with my hair on fire, so it's all good

    Here's to a new direction! :)
  2. Looking forward to the interview!
  3. Ask him if he has an avatar and what the avatars name is, Burning ND at the stake is getting old, need a new witch. :)
    Okay seriously though, you have to ask if he has any player experience in EU. And if he has, or plans to have, a secret/official avatar.
  4. Woot!

    Mindstar doing what she does best 4x? And the new game producer on the grill?

    Thank God June is just around the corner :D
  5. To be honest, after all the negativity and destructive dialogue MS9 has engaged in over the past few months I don't feel she deserves this opportunity. She has it, and I will read the article. But there are media outlets less interested in sticking a dagger in the developers back who would be able to do alot more with this news.

    IMO it should be taken to MMOHut, ONRPG, and MMORPG.com. Bring the interviews out full bore into the community, time them with the new releases and updated content phases, and let the outside community take a good look at what we are doing here.

    The media outlets in EU have at this time demonstrated the tendency to be dangerously fickle, and prone to subjective criticism. They have, universally, lost my personal support because of these tendencies.
  6. new interview

    I never watched more than the first 10 seconds of the David Post interview... a canned response from a cartoon, is not an interview, its a production... most of this game is great, but certain aspects are laughable... bogus interviews are one... show some respect for the people who are paying your bills, and show your face. NI has great potential, but the info train needs to be fixed.... where are the point by point rules? <not the eula.... don't want to read on how my account is not mine and can be confiscated at any time with no reason...> (just like a cell phone contract) some things need attention now... others can wait... and as far as releasing information and having to worry about insider trading is also laughable... this game does not follow the rules of most of the nations it is played in.... especially the US. so we are not looking for another fish to fry, whats the point..... just want some good answers, and not a stream of bs... a good was to show your commitment to this game.... don't dance around the important questions, and once again..... show your face... 8)
  7. Um Chuck [video]http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/video/island--9934225[/video]

  8. Dude! thats kool... anything else i have missed while living under this rock? i find it a little too tough to find the things i want to know about this game... but that's a good interview, and its nice to have a face. <seriously..... anything else i'm missing?> hehe
  9. I think having MS9 do the interview is better than having someone unfamiliar with game just asking canned questions they ask of all MMO games. Every interview is subject to criticism. Some think not enough information was given and that is always going to happen in these interivews because of reasons they can't disclose. I do think the game needs a better presence out in the world, and I hope the marketing department is getting the word out to more and more media outlets.
  10. red


    I've always know ms9 to be fair and objective in her reporting. there is very little editorial comment and that which there is supports the flow of the piece. I'm certain she'll do a good job.
  11. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

    You all saw my face in the last Entropia Planets! And I post everything I'm allowed to share on the blog.

    I'm really excited about Harold's interview, he's great at his job and a great guy to share an office with, and I'm pretty pleased that MindStar and Entropia Planets will be introducing him to you.
  12. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    To those who support this effort, I really thank you, it means a lot. I too am pleased about being able to showcase Next Island's new Producer/Planet Manager, and am very excited about this new direction.

    I do agree that more of an EU presence outside of EU media is needed indeed, and I hope that planet partners will eventually kick it into high gear with their marketing as such. However, I do know that David Post purchased quite a few copies of the Sep 2010 issue of the EntropiaTimes with his interview in it and gave them away at week-long presentations, so perhaps that helps get the word out as well.

    I also have to agree with Archman's assessment of who in the outside world produces articles. No particular criticism on my part, except that as we've seen many times over, those who have given it a shot who haven't played EU, or know nothing about our universe, are very lacking at times in the critical elements that add more realism to how EU is presented. Quite often, MMO writers rely on individuals to feed them information, and I have seen more times than not how things get lost in translation, and we end up with content that is inaccurate, and also has the potential to give the wrong impression, so they're really not doing us any favors in the long-run.

    Despite what some might think based on how vocal I can be at times, I love Entropia Universe, and have for 6 years, and writing about our lives and activities, as well as the VIP's who drive the spaceship, is what I enjoy doing the most. I have over the years created my own profession, and the collective EU community is what means the most to me, so using my resources and professional skills to showcase our universe is what I will continue doing.

    I think y'all better fasten your seatbelts, because I'm about to test my ability to really go MachStar9 with my hair on fire. :)
  13. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

  14. red


    it looks much less cluttered than mine.

    anyway, I thought technology workers were suppose to have empty pizza boxes and energy drink cans strewn about haphazardly.
  15. It is my pleasure to announce that I will be producing an exclusive interview with Harold Sipe in the June issue of the EntropiaTimes magazine. As we all know (at least I think we all do), Harold is Next Island's new Producer/Planet Manager and on board to help take Next Island into a new direction. Thanks goes to Meg, Next Island's Community Relations Manager for contacting me and presenting this opportunity. It will be a very nice addition to the June issue of the magazine, which is already chock full of good stuff. VIP interviews are a favorite, and this will be no exception.
  16. hehe, must be a typo dude.... its August....
  17. red


    nah, it's a sneaky spambot. note the link in the signature.
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