HELL BEACH PARTY At 00:00 EU FRIDAY NIGHT Hell Beach is Located at 591 764 Port Atlantis is closest Tp..... Volunteers will be taking Folks to the Beach Party. Contest Live Music.. PARTY
A graphic ad that can be loaded for these parties might lend them a bit more mass appeal. Also you need a sig. :-D
Hell Beach Party: Fridays at 00:00 EU: All Players Invited The Party at Hell Beach Friday at 00:00 Eu is .located at coordinates 591 764 Many good Players will be there helping New Players while we Party at Hell Beach. This will be a chance tp enjoy Live Music and meet Players that can help you in Many Ways. Prizes will be available to all Players Old and New.
I would respectfully insist that you refrain from cross-posting (posting the same thread/message in more than one location on the forum). Seeing this one got replies already, I'll merge the other one into this thread. Carry on...