HELL BEACH PARTY With ClubCalypto.com Radio

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by Calypto, Sep 10, 2010.


    Hell Beach is Located at 591 764 Port Atlantis is closest Tp.....

    Volunteers will be taking Folks to the Beach Party. Contest Live Music.. PARTY
  2. A graphic ad that can be loaded for these parties might lend them a bit more mass appeal.

    Also you need a sig. :-D
  3. Hell Beach Party: Fridays at 00:00 EU: All Players Invited

    The Party at Hell Beach Friday at 00:00 Eu is .located at coordinates 591 764

    Many good Players will be there helping New Players while we Party at Hell Beach. This will be a chance tp enjoy Live Music and meet Players that can help you in Many Ways. Prizes will be available to all Players Old and New.
  4. We are adding graphics Now..Great Idea !!
  5. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    I would respectfully insist that you refrain from cross-posting (posting the same thread/message in more than one location on the forum). Seeing this one got replies already, I'll merge the other one into this thread.

    Carry on...
  6. Thanks admin will do !!!
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