hey my name is william firesacks sirek. I've been trying to get into this game but it seem everything requires a fair amount of money. I am wondering if theres is any society or individual who can assist me. I have no lvls or anything. I just started playing yesterday. I would really appriciate some advice With the bomb sacks, Will
Hi William, and welcome to EntropiaPlanets :) You're right, the game will require money, or considerable effort to get some moolah on your PED card. If you are absolutely against depositing money into the game, you can gather sweat from animals. After you left Calypso Gateway, there will be a mission that gets you to the swamp camp, which is a good place for sweating. Once you get enough sweat (typically a few k), you can then sell it to other players for PEDs, and get some money for a gun or mining equipment that way. I would advise you to stay well away from crafting, and that is a sure way to really quickly burn away your hard-earned cash in the beginning. Other ways to generate some income are collecting fruit and dung, which randomly spawns on the ground. Fruit can be used to make Nutrio Bars, which is food for pets (a feature currently disabled), and dung can be used by land owners to fertilize their land and keep a steady supply of beasties. Both sweating as well as collecting stuff are tedious tasks, though by sweating, you will actually gain some free skills, and probably make a couple of friends. There's also the Adopt a Newbie Foundation, run right here on EntropiaPlanets. You can sign up there, and find your way into a society that way. Typically within a society you might be able to find a job by helping out a fellow society mate, or maybe the society will have you perform small tasks in exchange for some equipment to get you set up and ready to go :) Alternatively, you can deposit 20 USD, which would typically be what you would pay for a subscription based game. 200 PED should allow you to get your hands on an Opalo and some ammunition, and a healing kit from the Trade Terminal. Using this setup, you can have a go at smaller mobs like Combibo, Berycled, Exarosaur or SnableSnots. The Opalo is quite efficient and economical to hunt with, so your 20 bucks ought to keep you going for quite some time :) Good luck on your ventures :)
Hi, Its true this game does require either a steep initial investment in time or money to get appropriately started, though I have found that if you are very meticulous about your research, and very patient with your trades, you can get going acceptably on a budget of about $20 a month. There are a handful of societies out there who will help you, hunting at your level, getting groups together you can contribute to, etc. My advice is the following: Spend your first 72 hours ingame sweating at either Sweat Camp, Neas, Limnadian, or Ithaca. You may need to get teleporters for most of these. People will take you for free. After this, invest $20. Without confirming your bank account the game will only let you invest $20 every 30 days. This is a resonable cost to bear for a product, one which I gladly pay myself. This initial investment of $20 should cover an Opalo, a Vivo T1, and bullets. Buy nothing else. Trade for any extra money you need. Once you have the 3 items above, go to Fort Argus and hunt Snablesnots on the beach and hillsides there. If youre feeling very enterprising hunt merps. Dont bother with Combibos, Exarosaurs, etc. Theyre a bit hard and their payback isnt all that great. Right now youre looking to extend your PED balance in between monthly deposists. After about 6 months of this you will either hate the game or you will be doing well and find yourself needing to deposit less and less. Youll only be $120 in, which is about the same as any standard MMORPG at that level of time commitment. By then you should also be quite wise in how Entropia works. Good luck!
Except for this part i totally agree with Magyar. I would go for Fort Ithace snablesnots. The average maturity is lower there.