Due to my holidays i will be offline til 20.08.2008. Hope all enjoy the time and HOF often and hard ! Greetings Stratos
PARTY AT STRATOS'S PLACE!!!!! hehehe I hope you have a fantastic time. Fun in the sun and all that. :D Just think about us down here in the :cold: :cough:
Yep, have a great holiday.:) For me, it will probably be another trip to CND via spaceship, that's if I can yet approach one of those pedestal seats without falling flat on my face trying to get into one
"That is interesting said checked the society log after a long team hunt and it turns out that the other colonist who had applied removed the application an hour or so of applying - so why the application in the first place rolleyes"? smile For me it will probably be another trip to CND via spaceship that is if I can yet approach one of those pedestal seats without falling flat on my face trying to get into one? Not right now thank you, maybe later.:-) I have to think about that for a while.
Yep - none of it makes any sense, but neither does having to get into a seat in a spaceship. Why can't you just stand in the things and wait for the pilot to push the button:D
Now I´m back home again. It was a great relaxing holiday trip. It was very hot for europeans , between 40 to 45 degrees, you can see the favorite position of the cats in the attachments :)
Now that is one very relaxed and contented kitty. :D I wish I could laze on the grass and snooze all day. Usually when I try, somebody prods me with a stick and tells me to go sleep in the shelter with the other vagrants. :hehe: Welcome back Stratos. :-) I hope the good loot has been waiting ready for you to find it now you are back. :D