How does he do it

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by itto, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. How does he global from offline ? :lol:
    Kloddie teach your trix ..

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  2. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.


    Hehehe good one Klod. That must be what our problem is. We are on line LOL :hehe:

    Seriously that is some bad lag. :(
  3. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Kewl :-)

    Klod is gaining in his offline globalling skill. :hehe:
  4. lmao that cant be me or could it? if so I must have missed that one, hmm had a few weird "claim has exspired" but thought that where small ones in meiddle of daspletorland.
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