How To Get A Speedy Withdrawal

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Bunny, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    How to get a speedy withdrawal. YOU CAN'T. lol
    After having made 2 large earlier withdrawals which I might add went well, I was getting down to dribbles so was going to make my last withdrawal and then play out the rest of the cash on hand. At least I thought I was lol. Here is my conversation with Mindark.

    My Support Cases

    History for support case ######

    2011-10-16 02:47 You wrote:

    On September 1. 2011, I requested a withdrawal of 3,000.00 peds to be deposited into my bank account. The withdrawal ID number is ########. As no bank details have changed and I have not recieved the deposit I thought it was time to enquire as to where the money is. Thirty working days have come and gone. Thank you for your time.

    2011-10-16 16:30 Entropia Universe Support:


    Thank you for your inquiry. I can see that you have successfully initiated a withdrawal.

    ID: ########
    Registration date: 2011-09-01

    As bank withdrawals are handled manually and in order of their registration date, the processing time might vary during the year depending on the actual demand at that time. If all your bank account details are correct the payment is sent within 40 business days from the registration date.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Kind regards,
    George | Planet Calypso Support
    2011-10-16 23:31 You wrote:

    Hello again. The time stated on previous e-mail was 30 business days. When we get to 40 you going to make it 50?? Did not take you that long to get it out of my bank. I expect the same courtesy.

    2011-10-18 14:21 Entropia Universe Support:


    Thank you for your patience. Withdrawals were use to be processed within 30 business days. However, due to an increased workload our processing time has gone up. Please accept our sincere apology for the inconveniences this may cause you and rest assured that your transaction will be committed as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,
    George | Planet Calypso Support
    2011-10-28 05:42 You wrote:

    Hello for the third time.
    Now 40 days has come and gone. If Entropia Universe is so broke that it can not find the $300.00 US dollars to put into my bank account straight away then please put the 3000 pds back into my account ingame.
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  2. That is not very impressive! As I understand it they were applying to be a bank, not sure if that happened.

    I have never tried to take money out, probably just as well. Good luck with your transaction Bunny.
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  3. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Update October 29, 2011

    2011-10-28 18:51 Entropia Universe Support:


    I have escalated your case to the department in charge of handling withdrawals and they will contact you as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Kind regards,
    George | Planet Calypso Support
    Would you not think that was who was handling this in the first place ?? LOL Now someone has had to walk down a hall and interrupt some guy eating a donut. :-(
    Not impressed Mindark.
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  4. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    :jester: Probably donuts bought using your $300. :jester:

    On a previous occasion when Bunny complained to MA about a gameplay issue, they started spawning fruit regularly at her feet, as if the fruit would make her ignore the ingame issue. :hehe:
    Bunny, please let us know if you begin finding fruit all over the place again.

    Sadly, I get the impression that MA spent the last month scrounging around the office, looking for old printers or items they could pawn so as to raise the $300.

    Virtual banks, ingame art galleries and paintings (what ever happened to that charlatan Mark Kostabi and all the money the art was supposed to bring into the game?), real world products advertising ingame and real world items in loot, if all of these brought in the loads of cash as expected to the game then surely finding $300 shouldn't be that difficult.


  5. I find this amazing. I'm sure that MA does have registered bank status, because they clearly told everybody that they did (making such a declaration would be illegal if it wasn't true)! Therefore, personally, I would be contacting my bank and the Swedish banking authorities, asking how a registered bank (MA) can get away with this sort of thing. No way should it be taking more than 30 days to credit the US$300, forget 40 and 50 days!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2011
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  6. It's probably in the Terms of Use somewhere. However I seem to remember you could get a card which would allow cash withdrawals from the holes in the wall. Not sure what the charges would be on that though.
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  7. I think the charges would be the 1% (correct me if I'm wrong on the % figure) that MA charges, plus any bank transaction charge depending on the type of account you have. MA should be pinned to their original 30 day agreement though...
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  8. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Here is the latest BS from Mindark

    Thank you for contacting us. Please accept our most sincere apologies for the delay with the withdrawal that you initiated on the 2011-09-01 11:33:26. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances on our side, our Accounting and Funds Transfer Department has had an intense workload which have delayed all withdrawals.

    I can see that your withdrawal has been approved and I assure you that it will be committed as soon as possible. We are working hard to catch up with the queue and hopefully it won't take much longer now. However, at this time, we cannot provide you with a specific date for your withdrawal to be committed.
    Again, we apologize for this delay and the inconvenience that this may have caused you. Thank you so much for your patience.
    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
    Kind regards,
    Pamela | Planet Calypso Support

    I have not replyed to this as yet for fear of what I might say lol. This company has no credibility at all. :skillet: :skillet: :skillet:
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  9. There is no firm commitement here; as in an actual date, for them paying you, and what they are saying tells me that many other participants are also trying to get money withdrawn and that MA has some sort of day-to-day cashflow problem; but that is their problem and not yours or other people's. I would be talking to my MP, MEP and to my bank and to my solicitor...
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  10. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    What makes you say that. Who says that?
  11. Who says what?
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Who's on first. :hehe:
  13. What's on second.
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  14. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    November 2, 2011 Maybe ????
    2011-11-01 00:58 You wrote:

    Hello Pamela,
    If there are banking issues then why now put the 3000pds back into the game. This would solve all problems here.

    2011-11-01 11:00 Entropia Universe Support:

    Thank you for your reply. I can see that your withdrawal was committed today, at 2011-11-01 10:51:25. The funds should be updated to your bank account within a couple of days. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
    Kind regards,
    Pamela | Planet Calypso Support

    Maybe this will finally be the end of this. lol Anyway the point being don't expect to get a speedy withdrawal. Wheather it be from the economy being so unstable at the moment or shoddy planning on Mindarks part. Thanks for listening :-)
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  15. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    • Like Like x 2
  16. LOL! Just tell me who's on! LOL! :D Gratz Bunny on getting somewhere with MA's accts department.
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  17. Glad you got your cash, even if you did accuse me of being ancient :).
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  18. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    ROFL I did not mean you were a classic Cee lol I meant the clip was classic hehehe You are all young ones to me. :-)
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  19. I'm still laughing at Abbot and Costello
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  20. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    I am so glad you find this amusing, .
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