I HATE the anti-spam bot messues...

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by Xzion, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Simply, the anti-spam "Writ these words" while regging are to long and to hard to make out what it says.

    Had to redo it about 10 times befor it told me i was right.

    Onto that it had the guts to ask me to use symbols like * and " + '


    So. my first whining thread!

    Please concider chaging this asap as it Reaaalllllyyyy is a pain in the arse. i almost gave up on regging myself. :naughty:
  2. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator


    We actually have very little control over the captcha. We use a standard component that is integrated into vBulletin called ReCaptcha. It's pretty standard nowadays, so if you ever run into similar issues, try and click refresh in order for it to generate new keyphrases, or have it read out the word for you. As for the extra characters, I found they can be skipped.

    I just had a quick peek, but other than the theme of the component, I cannot alter anything about it. Sorry.

    If it helps anything, by using this component, you're helping old publications and radioshows being digitized, so you're actually doing it for a good cause...
  3. Ah well... i suppose its not much to do about it then ^^

    Cheers for the replay!
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