I hate to admit it but he's right!

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by Phunkygeeza, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/763/763050p1.html

    An article about RPG's and why he hates them.

    It's also the reason they're good of course - becasue once you've spent 1 million hours getting to be an uber you get to go and show off to noobs, who then invest 1 million hours to be as good as you.

    An in PE - that's a recipie for money making LOL
  2. This guy is funny i like him but yeah it is true i mean hours of killing the same beast can get old unless u have a alternative reason like u have to kill the wolfs to get meat to eat with or something then it brings a extra lvl of fun to the game:coffee:
  3. Shamy

    Shamy Dr. Nick of Dark Lands

    Even tho Jeff there is completely right about fact that playing RPG takes very looong time to wanna-be to to HERO, but that's the point in Role Playing Games. Let's take our PE for example:

    Creature (like Merp :mad:) comes and kills every friking time when it sees u. U go and kill some snables, weak fouls or what ever for day or two, u become stronger and next time when encounterin that badass creature (MERP :mad:) you'll be the one who's throwing that MERP around. After short fight, standing front of lootless carcass I bet that u smile wide smile in the reality as virtual world. (I did it. I killed that fool.\\:D/ )

    Anyways reality is much like RPG. U want to become great cook, u start reading recipes and cook. But becoming great cook takes time which is much longer that in RPG, it takes years and years.

    Btw. I have played few Spidersofts RPGs and they aren't so good. Just basic RPGs that been seen again-and-again. I bet that Jeff Vogel haven't played PE (or EU) ;-)
  4. The flip side

    Yes, I'd argue that RPG's simulate real life more realistically, and although they can be repetitive they last a LOT longer than the 20 hours or so you get out of even the best FPS, or indeed most other games. Puzzle games come a close second I'd say.

    Why else would I still be playing EU after a couple of years!

    The argument that you can just pick up an uber-weapon in a shoot-em-up and be a badass doesn't translate to real life. Pick up a chaingun and you're more likely to shoot yourself than the enemy.

    Spend 100 hours in the gym and you might have the strength to pick it up, just to catch a richochet in the head.
    Spend 200 hours on the range and you might just be able to shoot the damn thing.

    So, start with something small and buld up. RPG does ths to great effect, if in a little bit of a boring repetivite way, alnd while you do it you have fun with people online.

    I never played many RPG's until Morrowind 4 - which was fantastic but boring because there were no real people there. Then I started looking for a good MMORPG to play and found PE - the rest is history
  5. i have a question can u make campfires in pe or eu cause that would be so cool
  6. Shamy

    Shamy Dr. Nick of Dark Lands

    Belive me... That won't work, at least with bellet gun... Bad memories... :Beaten:
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