Well just realized something else. If your one of the people who crash whenever they have an ice dagger in hand or as a quick icon on your desktop you wont be able to play in Greece for now. My work laptop crashes whenever I equip an ice dagger so no more playing from work for me hehehe Humm maybe if I log out with a different action set up and unequip that dagger I can at least run around on this laptop. Hmmm Have to try that when I get home
I too have a laptop with ATI and had the same problem with SOME ice daggers. Running in windowed mode seems to let me login. Once I'm in I can SOMTIMES go to fullscreen. But sometimes going fullscreen still CTD's me. Try windowed mode and try "safe mode" to pull the icon off the desktop. Menace
I play on a laptop with ati, and had issue with an ice club. Fortunately I have "unequip tools" hotkeyed to my keyboard and was able to unequip it while still in the splash screen while the game was loading. narfi