When we come into the world, certain things are just there; ultimately things that were created by former generations, but to all intents and purposes, they were - just there... Now, in EU all events are currently participant created, except perhaps for landgrabs which is down to MA, so I'm thinking that it would be a good idea if there were other events that are just there, in-game; such as racing type events - car; bike; boat; creature even (imagine Ambulimax racing!). In other words, events that you can win or lose by 'your own ability' and not win or lose by the skilling-system associated with hunting, mining, etc. Such event would of course be in addition to hunting, mining, crafting (with the existing skilling system), not instead of. MA may not like that aspect, but they could still gain financially if certain equipment, etc, was needed to take part in racing type events, or if there were small entry fees. Rewards for participants, would be say 1st, 2nd & 3rd PED prizes.
Nice idea, it's kind of already there in PVP although skills play a part in that. The Speed of your connection and PC plays a big part in PVP as it would with the kind of events you are talking about so player skill is difficult to test.
There should be virtual booze in the virtual bars, once an ava has consumed enough it should not so much run or walk as stagger and should not respond properly to the players commands.