Import / export

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Green Rowan, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. After thinking about it, I decided that this is the propper Forum for stuff that deals with more than one plannet...

    Make some resources planet specific to encourage trade and traveling. For example:

    • Vibrant sweat can be collected in its concentrated form only on Calypso. The sweat on the other planets is much less powerful, thus requiring a lot more of it to make the same quantity of MF

    • Melchi water is necessary for distillation of one of the time travel crystals, and can only be mined on Calypso. But another resource (coconut oil) also necessary for time travel can only be harvested on the First Island. you get the idea...

    • Some resources for high end blueprints have to be imported from other planets.

    • Color intensifier (Alum) can be mined on some other planet and can be used only on Calypso

    • Some blueprints can be used only on specific planets.

    • Special dedicated crafting machines with built in blueprints, placed in very difficult to reach places... for example, The best malee weapons can be created only on a planet where malee is the main form of weaponry… the best swords with the least decay are not energy weapons, but some swords made out of a rare form of steel by a master from the past who made a special crafting machine… To make that sword (L or not) you have to:
    1. import the steel from another planet,
    2. go to the Next Island,
    3. go to the past,
    4. fight your way into a temple where in a basement there is a crafting machine with a built in BP and that that only makes one thing (a sword). The machine kicks you back to the starting point on Next Island after you used it … every journey to the machine only results in one possible click.
    • Create a spice trade.

    • Make the price of travel between the planets dependent on the TT value of goods imported and weight

    etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...

  2. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    This is awesome :) and also a little like what I wrote earlier HERE

    I hope MA and the planetpartners thought about this - because that will ensure that all the planets will have regular costumers ;)
  3. Green Rowan, thats amazing idea, it would be realy great !:cheer:
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