Skilled my pets for 30 minutes or so before work while spamming rocktropia chat for people to use the new pet buffs from the stables. Got my ancient strong diakeba to L5 so will probably use it for the hp buff once its skill buff runs out next week. Sold a set of 5 planet pets and gave away a free panther. By that time was late for work already :/
Hung around at auction somewhere - forgot wich place it was - and put my really last items into auction. My sis Kristin sells the better items atm - got some 2.5k PED so far. Hopefully she will earn some more ...
Yesterday took a scenic drive through the Corinth canyon back to the Berycled graveyard to continue shooting for a mission. Sorted out a few more people in the inter-old-soc-with-few-members chat. That seemed to be working out rather well too :)