Interview with David Simmonds (2012) - Promises & Announcements reviewed

Discussion in 'The Black Hole' started by McCormick, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Can be found here : (remember, it is from 2012)

    Just some cut-outs by David :

    -At the moment, when I have time, I play Battlefield 3 and of course Entropia Universe.
    Feel free to beta-test it as well...if you have time.

    -Sometimes I feel that playing other games is just wasting time! Whatever I do makes no difference
    What a coincidence !!!!111²³ I had the same feeling INSIDE of Entropia as well !
    Once I even had that feeling on a "gam(bl)ing machine", but that is another story.

    -each planet partner must continuously develop their concept and better their own planet
    ...with MindArk itself, beeing the big ass party pooper.

    -We see no point in developing a system where once the next system is developed it must then be overhauled to “fit” the new system
    (CryEngine 2), taming, character animations, textures, the shop design competetion ?
    But hey, as long as it "exists on paper only", feel free to continue wasting precious time on it. ;)

    -Space is a big part of the Entropia Universe and continued development will make it a real kick ass space game that I’m sure some users will never leave even to visit the planets.
    Space inside Entropia is soOOOooOoOOoOOoo desolate...just like in reallife...very good job, MindArk... ;)
    How come I expected more then just PvP and some spacemobs after more then 3 years (of paper development) ?!

    -Part of the program allows you to build your own house if you have enough deeds....This will be introduced in the near future.
    Thank god the future is always near...

    -the Citizenship program which will allow the user to vote on certain aspects of the Calypso development, more information will follow in the near future.
    The near still near...feel free to re-introduce the voting booths...voilà..."Citizenship program" introduced as promised. ;p

    -blurring the line between reality and virtual reality
    Somehow you managed to remove this feeling, which I had indeed between 2004 and 2006.
    And sadly I have no idea where to look for this feeling in this universe right now...or did you guys blur it that much on purpose ? ;p

    -We now have an experienced Marketing director and are considering all the options to maximise the return of investment on marketing
    MindArk is and always was ace³ at markeahhee kickass publicity stunts,
    sometimes known as "announcements of announcements".

    -With the continued development of new systems by MindArk, and new content and Planets from our partners, we see the Entropia Universe growing into an enormous World with every type of virtual activity available that is currently on the Internet, from computer gaming to business activities to education. Its all going to be here in the ever expanding Entropia Universe.
    I sense NASA and ESA for education here. But that was 2008 and 2009. Nothing else left. So what he was thinking about at that interview ?
    The deleted golf course ? Promised mini games ? Which kind of business, except for "Buying all ores" or "Space Station for sale!" ?

    Sorry if it sounds negative to was meant to be like this.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
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  2. I had a feeling this interview was going to come back and bite David Simmonds/MindArk/PPs and the players who posted in defending Entropia in the arse one day. Never the less McCormick your always one to make us laugh at such things. The future is always near *laugh*

    I did laugh at the whole sandbox thing *sigh* Never the less, some are starting to catchup to what a sandbox is. Not quite there yet but getting closer anyway, eg. ArcheAge. At least they have "enough" elements to start calling their game a sandbox game to a greater extent.

    Not sure if it is your sort of game, I know your still passionate about Entropia as a lot of us are, but maybe the thread I created on ArcheAge may cheer you up a little, idk it may be something to alleviate the distain MindArk continues to create over a lost prospect and the true potential it had having flown right on by.

    I will post a podcast there also too, maybe you will get a better understanding of various things.

    PS. Just trying to help, I know your angry, upset and frustrated - Even entertained at how ridiculous it has all become to-date. But really you will only drive yourself batty without some sort of alternate nourishment than this ruined by MA sideshow cart called EU that escaped a themepark called PE burnt down by MA. For now anything MA touches "for the most part" turns to :poop: This is being worked on, if it gets anywhere, who knows .... < Maybe put some ideas in this thread of your own ?

    Once the above is rectified then rebuilding "may" occur in the "near future" how "near" that "future" is is anyones guess. One step at a time and with the correct foot to placed first, first :wink:
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
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  3. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    These are the things brought to light that define historically what the results are ... or aren't. When you can take statements like these directly from the mouth of MindArk, and years later present them to show what was or wasn't done, the results are irrefutable.

    Thanks for the laugh McC, and for sharing facts that so many of us refer to in our discussions of why this universe is in dire need of more than just something "being on paper" and a lot of words that we have come to regard as really not meaning much based on experiences over the years.

    No matter how much we continue to be vocal about the "State of the Universe" (and many at other forums are just as verbose) ... caring is the other thing that we have been consistent with in wanting things to be better ... for players, for game-play, and for the developers to either stop making statements that end up not being worth the effort to put into print, or follow through in a timely manner and not continue to refer to everything coming "in the near future" ... because the near future has come and gone many times over already.
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  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Mr McCormick I see you are right back on form! That give me a huge laugh so thank you! I particularly liked


    Still, thinking about this, all these problems of MA promising the moon and then a few years later all that happened is the moon got a lot bigger could simply be alleviated if they just shut the fuck up about the future and ONLY talked about what they are actually doing RIGHT NOW. My proposition to MindArk therefore is stop letting David Simmonds or any other higher up talk about Entropia. Instead, walk out of the office, go into the main area and find anyone who has some code or art on their screen. Tap them on the shoulder, turn them around and ask them to stop what they are doing and spend the next half hour writing a blog post on what they've been doing for the last week or so.

    Then post that. It will still be news to us as chances are that update won't have been released yet. At least that way though MA will be talking about things that are ACTUALLY happening rather than some made up idealised view of the future that will never realistically be implemented.


    PS if you are listening MA, where are my mob inhabiting pills?
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  5. Looking at these cut-outs 4 years later, does once again show how MindArk operates...
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